I received a parking ticket for buying a cup of coffee from my local McDonald’s drive-thru.
The McDonald’s is on a retail park, which also includes a car park. Both are accessed through the same entrance.
So my car was photographed entering and leaving, even though I didn’t park – just joined the queue, waited, got my drink and and left.
I received the penalty charge notice a few days later which was for £100, falling to £60 if I paid within 14 days.
Just passing through: But our reader was given a parking charge when waiting for his McDonald’s order (stock image)
The PCN recorded me as staying for 16 minutes. This was in the early hours of the morning when there is no free parking.
I understand there is a 15-minute ‘grace period,’ which I must have overstayed by a matter of seconds due to the slow-moving queue.
I got the PCN over a bank holiday and couldn’t reach the company on the phone, so I panicked and paid it.
But this seems most unfair as I was not ‘parked’ at any time. I didn’t even enter the car park area. I simply joined a moving queue to purchase from the McDonald’s.
I have contacted the McDonald’s head office and it won’t do anything. Can you help? A.J, Poole
Helen Crane of This is Money replies: That is certainly an expensive cup of coffee, and I can understand why the experience has left you with a chip on your shoulder when it comes to the fast food chain.
You told me you haven’t ordered from the offending restaurant since this happened a couple of months ago, such is your ire – though you did add that it has been good for your waistline.
McDonald’s doesn’t operate the car park – that is down to Group Nexus, a private parking firm which has an agreement with the owner of the land it sits on.
But I’d argue that McDonald’s must shoulder some responsibility here.
Potentially having to pay for parking to sit in its drive-thru queue is McMadness.
You told staff at the restaurant about the charge, and they said others had also received similar letters.
I spoke to McDonald’s, pointing out that the car parking rules were causing some beef between this restaurant and its loyal customers.
I suggested it could speak to Group Nexus to try and solve the car park problem, or at least put up a sign to make drivers aware that they might risk a charge while waiting for their food.
While there are plenty of general signs around the car park, I don’t think it’s at all fair to assume that waiting at the window of a drive-thru would constitute being parked.
But McDonald’s spokesman told me that it was the responsibility of the car park operator and there was nothing it could do.
I then approached Group Nexus – though I’ll admit it was without much hope. In my experience, car parking firms can be spiky and tend to stick to their charges no matter what.
But I’m pleased to say I was wrong, and it actually took a very sensible approach.
Coffee to go: But our reader ended up paying far more than the price of his drink when he was slapped with a parking penalty
It told me it would refund the £60 you paid. Even better, it said it would extend the grace period for customers popping in for a late-night snack – though it didn’t say by how long.
A spokesman said: ‘When we took over this site in June, we agreed a sensible grace period with the landlord based on historic customer usage patterns, to allow McDonald’s drive-thru customers enough time to order and collect.
‘However, since then, there have been a small number of cases with out of hours (midnight-6am) customers using the drive thru where more time was required.
‘So, with the agreement of the landlord, we have recently extended the grace period to be more accommodating.
‘We enforce a limited grace period during these hours to prevent abuse and antisocial behaviour.’
It has also cancelled all PCNs currently going through the appeal process, if they relate to this drive-thru.
‘If anyone appealed a PCN due to spending longer using the drive through, prior to the extension at the end of August, their PCN has been cancelled,’ the spokesman added.
A victory for common sense, and for fans of the Big Mac. I’m lovin’ it!
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Content source – www.soundhealthandlastingwealth.com