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Joe Biden‘s critics are accusing him of ‘sleeping on the job’ while war was breaking out in Israel and others are wondering if he received the ‘3am phone call’ Hillary Clinton famously said every president should be ready to take.

Republican presidential candidate and GOP Florida Governor Ron DeSantis accused the  president of being missing in action after his stunning revelation during a press conference on Saturday.

The president alluded to having calls on the unfolding situation in the Middle East at about ‘7:30, 8 o’clock’ – eight hours after Hamas’s bombardment of Israel began.

‘When I got up this morning and started this at 7:30, 8:00, my calls…’ Biden began during a statement he made on Saturday. 

Joe Biden alluded to having calls on the unfolding situation in the Middle East at about ‘7:30, 8 o’clock’ – eight hours after Hamas’s bombardment of Israel began

Ron DeSantis accused the president of being missing in action after his stunning revelation during a press conference on Saturday 

But some, including DeSantis, are wondering why the commander in chief was not awoken during the most ferocious attack on Israel in 50 years. 

In a coordinated, multi-pronged assault, Palestinian terrorists crossed into Israel from the Gaza Strip, seizing settlements and capturing and murdering civilians celebrating a Jewish holiday. 

Published reports from Israel indicate more than 300 Israelis have been killed, and 1,590 injured, since Hamas launched its blitz attack with rockets and gangs of roving gunmen, attacking civilians and soldiers alike across dozens of locations. 

‘I saw the president’s comments with respect to the attacks on Israel. He said that he was up at 7:30 in the morning, but, you know, this was happening late, late last night into the early morning,’ DeSantis said. 

‘The president needs to be there answering the call when our top ally in the Middle East is under the gun.

‘You can’t be sleeping on the job. You’ve got to get there, you’ve got to do it, and you’ve got to engage. 

‘I think that we need to see leadership here. We need a very clear voice, we need strong support for the state of Israel,’ he added.

Online, there were further questions as to whether Biden had been told of the news in the small hours of the morning. 

‘Was that his first briefing on the attacks, which started at approx. 11:30pm ET and continued throughout the night?’ asked a Twitter account for the Republican National Committee. 

The posting led to plenty of users on social media also demanding answers as to why the president did not appear to be aware of the attack until daylight hours. 

The posting led to plenty of users on social media also demanding answers as to why the president did not appear to be aware of the attack until daylight hours

‘Told you they had to wake him up early. He usually sleeps until 10 am,’ suggested one user.

‘I was up most of the night when the story broke…AND I’M NOT THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,’ added one. 

‘Biden has not been awake at 7:30 since he took the train as a Senator!’ joked another. 

While stated in jest, such a comment may not be far from the truth. 

Earlier this year, former White House press secretary Jennifer Psaki revealed how Biden does very little before 9am.

During the Silicon Valley Bank collapse in March, Psaki suggested the fact Biden was making comments at 9am showed just how seriously he was taking the matter. 

‘It’s important to note, President Biden does nothing at 9:00am. He is a night owl. So the fact that he is doing this at 9:00am speaks to how vital the White House recognizes it is for him to have his voice out there,’ she told MSNBC.

One Democrat user was also quick to defend the hour at which Biden may have been briefed on the situation between Israel and Hamas. 

‘The President with Secretary of State by his side at the presser has to first receive intelligence briefings beforehand about any world event or crises before he goes before the public to speak about any event. Do you want him to get it wrong? I bet you do. Despicable!’ they wrote.  

For some, it brought back memories of the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election campaign, when Clinton suggested that she, rather than Barack Obama, would be the best leader of the free world to take a phone call in the middle of the night during a global crisis.

Biden’s comments raised memories of the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election campaign, when Hillary Clinton suggested that she, rather than Barack Obama, would be the best leader of the free world to take a phone call in the middle of the night during a global crisis

The ‘3am phone call’ became part of political lexicon when Clinton deployed it in a Texas television ad asking voters who they want to answer the phone when the nation is in crisis 

Biden and top aides spent Saturday consulting with European and Middle East leaders, including Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (pictured)

The ‘3am phone call’ quickly became part of the lexicon of the election when Clinton deployed it in a Texas television ad asking voters who they want to answer the phone when the nation is in crisis. 

‘The world is a dangerous place. At any hour, our president could be called on to act calmly, decisively, intelligently,’ the ad said.

Biden and top aides spent Saturday consulting with European and Middle East leaders, including Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. 

In remarks before reporters at the White House, Biden called the attacks ‘unconscionable’ and pledged his administration would ensure Israel has ‘what it needs to defend itself.’

‘Let me say this as clearly as I can: This is not a moment for any party hostile to Israel to exploit these attacks to seek advantage,’ Biden said.

Content source – www.soundhealthandlastingwealth.com

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