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A well-known singer is one of two men alleged to have raped an intoxicated 15-year-old girl, a court has heard.

Patrick Morie Bannah, 28, who is also known as the recording artist Conccoins and Jonathan Zahinda, 26, are standing trial in the Adelaide District Court.

They both deny the charges.

 Bannah is a music engineer and performs afrobeat music under the name Coinccoins.

The court heard both men preyed on the intoxicated girl on the same night at an 18th birthday celebration at an Airbnb in October 2020.

Patrick Morie Bannah, a music engineer and performs afrobeat music under the name Coinccoins, is accused of raping an intoxicated 15-year-old girl at an 18-year-old’s birthday party

The alleged victim identified Bannah from his sleeve tattoo and from pictures on his Instagram page. Bannah denies the charges

Bannah, of Elizabeth Grove, and Zahinda, of Bordertown, have been charged with rape and unlawful sexual intercourse, The Advertiser reported.

The alleged victim drank alcohol for the first time, then tried cannabis before entering a bedroom in the apartment.

Bannah followed the intoxicated young girl and allegedly began touching her vagina. 

Ahura Kalali, for the prosecution, told the court that she said ‘stop’ to Bannah.

She tried to push Bannah’s hand away but did not have the strength to do so.

He then allegedly sexually assaulted her again, before leaving the room.

Zahinda went into the same room later in the evening and allegedly raped the girl.

The alleged victim’s friend went into the room and saw Zahinda under the covers next to her.

She yelled at him, ‘Stop, she’s only 15’.

After police commenced an investigation, Zahinda sent the alleged victim a lengthy message, Mr Kalali told the court.

Bannah (pictured), of Elizabeth Grove, and another man, Jonathan Zahinda, of Bordertown, were charged with rape and unlawful sexual intercourse. They both pleaded not guilty

‘It did say along the lines of “drop the charges”.’

The court heard the alleged victim was able to identify Bannah by his sleeve tattoo and from photos on his Instagram page, Con-C-coins$. 

Bannah is also charged with attempted rape and attempted unlawful sexual intercourse, and Zahinda is further charged with dissuading a witness.

Both men pleaded not guilty to all charges.

The trial, which is taking place before a jury, is continuing. 

Source: | This article originally belongs to Dailymail.co.uk

Content source – www.soundhealthandlastingwealth.com

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