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A woman who has suffered a migraine for nine months says it is so painful she feels like there is a drill in her eyes — and doctors don’t know when it will stop.

Mitta Quissorcumar, a publicist from the UK, has struggled with migraines since her early 20s which would last for hours at a time.

But in January this year, a migraine erupted which has been ‘relentless’ and refuses to go away — even after countless medications and trips to the ER.

Doctors diagnosed her with atypical hemiplegic migraine, a rare form of one of the most severe types of migraines which is linked to problems with nerve cells.

She has now spent more than $1,800 trying out cures — everything from drugs to acupuncture and even oxygen therapy — but with little luck, with the only thing slightly easing symptoms being cannabis drops to help her sleep at night.

Mitta Quissorcumar, a publicist from the UK, has struggled with migraines since her early 20s which would last for hours at a time (stock image)

Writing in the Insider, she said: ‘The pain feels like I have a drill in my eyes and in the top of my head.

‘I’m tense and have developed neck and back pain, as well as jaw pain from grinding my teeth. I’m sensitive to light, noises and smells.

‘I’m constantly nauseous — I struggled to eat when it began.’

She added: ‘I spend my days putting all my energy into getting through my workday, which is luckily a desk job I can do from home.

‘I spend my evenings recovering in my dark bedroom.

‘If I try to do anything additional, such as seeing friends or cleaning the house, I’m out of commission for the rest of the week.’ 

Ms Quissorcumar said her migraine began on January 12 for ‘no apparent reason’ as she had been eating and sleeping well and avoiding her triggers.

The pain was excruciating for the first four days but then settled to a ‘more tolerable’ level.

She went to see her doctor, who prescribed sumatriptan — which works by narrowing blood vessels in the head to help reduce a headache. But this ‘didn’t even touch the pain’.

A few weeks later when pins and needles emerged on her right side, she was sent to the ER.

There were initially concerns she was having a stroke because when she arrived she couldn’t move the right side of her face, but after tests ruled this out she was diagnosed with an atypical hemiplegic migraine.

A hemiplegic migraine is a rare type of headache that causes temporary paralysis or weakness on one side of the body and can mimic a stroke. It can be triggered by changes in blood flow to areas of the brain.

Estimates show this type of migraine is behind less than 0.01 percent of all migraines.

An atypical form is an even rare type of the condition that can cause even more severe symptoms.

Doctors carried out several MRIs, but were unable to identify a cause of the constant migraine — such as a tumor. 

Ms Quissorcumar has been prescribed several drugs, but said these haven’t worked — with a few making her situation worse.

She has now tried acupuncture, a hot-stone massage, neck and back massagers, meditation, yoga and even oxygen therapy to ease the symptoms — with no effect despite the $1,800 invested.

She’s also tried cupping, which involves placing cups on the skin to ease tension, and a migraine hat, which allows people to insert cold or hot sachets next to the head.

The only thing that has helped to ease the pain is cannabis drops, which she takes at night to help with sleep.

Ms Quissorcumar said she also feels ‘constantly dismissed’ by doctors who have sent her home saying what she is experiencing is ‘just a headache’.

Source: | This article originally belongs to Dailymail.co.uk

Content source – www.soundhealthandlastingwealth.com

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