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James Argent ran his ‘longest distance in 12 years’ after he completed the Brighton Half Marathon on Sunday in honour of his late grandmother. 

The former TOWIE star, known as Arg, took to Instagram to share that he finished the race in a time of one hour and 51 minutes.

Sharing snaps during the run, Arg, 36, said it had been in tribute to his grandmother ‘Nanny Brighton’ – who passed away in summer 2023.

‘Today I ran my longest distance in 12 years, The Brighton half Marathon in 01:51:39,’ he captioned the post.

‘Sadly I lost my Grandmother Dianne “Nanny Brighton” last summer, She meant everything to the family and is badly missed. Today was for her.’

James Argent ran his ‘longest distance in 12 years’ after he completed the Brighton Half Marathon on Sunday in honour of his late grandmother 

Sharing snaps of him during the run, Arg, 36, said it had been in tribute to his grandmother ‘Nanny Brighton’ – who passed away in summer 2023 (pictured together in 2017)

Arg teased that there may be more runs in his future, adding: ‘London Marathon next!? Who knows x’.

The reality star’s celebrity pals came out in force to congratulate him on his achievement.

Fellow former TOWIE co-star Joey Essex commented: ‘So proud of you my bro x.’

Arg’s best friend Mark Wright’s family also showed their support, with Jess saying ‘Aww well done arg,’ while Carol wrote: ‘Well done we are proud of you.’

Lydia Bright, who was in an on and off relationship with James until 2016, also shared a sweet message for her ex, writing: ‘Proud of you Ducky.’

James lost 14 stone in just one year after he underwent a gastric sleeve procedure in 2021 when his weight reached 27 stone. 

During an appearance on Lorraine in January, Arg revealed the secrets to maintaining his incredible 14 stone weight-loss as he celebrated two years of sobriety. 

Host Lorraine Kelly said to Arg: ‘Not only have you lost [the weight], you’ve done the brilliant thing, you’ve kept it off, because that’s the hardest thing in the world.’

‘Today I ran my longest distance in 12 years, The Brighton half Marathon in 01:51:39,’ he captioned the post

Arg teased that there may be more runs in his future, adding: ‘London Marathon next!? Who knows x’

A video attached to the post showed Arg crossing the finish line at the Brighton Half Marathon on Sunday

The reality star’s celebrity pals came out in force to congratulate him on his achievement

Arg weighed 27.5 stone before undergoing gastric sleeve surgery in 2021 took him down to a trim 14.5 stone (pictured in 2019)

He confirmed: ‘I’ve managed to keep it off,’ before Lorraine continued: ‘You look at that person and think “I don’t recognise that”.’

The reality star said: ‘I’ve got a healthy relationship with both food and exercise. I said to myself when I started the weight loss journey that it was going to be forever.

Arg’s issues with his weight came to a head soon after he and ex-girlfriend Gemma Collins, 43, finally ended their rollercoaster relationship.

The two dated briefly in 2012 before reuniting in 2017 and dating on and off for three years.

The fiery duo became known for their huge, jaw-dropping blowout fights, most of which were depicted on TOWIE, much to fans’ delight. 

Ironically, Arg made numerous references to her weight during their relationship, only for him to become six stone heavier than she ever has been. 

Their final break up came after Arg branded Gemma a ‘hippo’ and a ‘fat f***’.

On Piers Morgan’s Life Stories in 2021, Gemma said: ‘I was really happy with Arg. We did get on, but the drugs changed him as a person. I fought every day for three years to get him well.’

When prompted to discuss her lowest moment throughout their struggles, she admitted: ‘I have felt suicidal… I think when my relationship broke down with Arg, that affected me. I just thought, I don’t wanna be here anymore. I can’t take it.

‘Christmas was an all-time low. I saved his life three times. I had this insatiable love for him. I never wanted to give up on him.’

Arg’s issues with his weight came to a head soon after he and Gemma Collins finally ended their rollercoaster relationship (pictured in 2018)

This post first appeared on Daily mail

Content source – www.soundhealthandlastingwealth.com

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