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American voters must face-up to the fact that Joe Biden or Donald Trump could well die while in office, if either wins the 2024 election, a top pundit has warned.

Politico’s head of news Alexander Burns on Friday published a piece entitled ‘Feinstein’s Demise is a Warning for Biden and Trump,’ and argued that it’s time for elderly politicians to face the music while slamming the ‘snark and brittleness’ reporters are often faced with when asking questions about politicians’ health. 

Biden, 80, faces growing questions about his health and was recently seen wandering off after presenting a Vietnam veteran with a medal. Trump, 77, seems in better physical shape – but recently claimed Biden could lead the planet into World War Two. 

The article comes just days after California Senator Dianne Feinstein, 90, died while still in office following a bout with shingles, reported memory loss, and falls at home. 

‘Feinstein’s death should be more than startling,’ Burns wrote. ‘It should be a warning to the people in both parties who believe they can bend their own mortality to an electoral calendar or a personal timeline for legacy-building.’ 

In recent years, Biden and Trump have both faced significant inquiries and concerns regarding their mental and physical well-being. Biden is already the oldest elected president in history and would be 86 if he completes a second term and exits office in January 2029. 

A political pundit has warned that American voters are going to have to deal with the possibility that President Joe Biden , 80, or former President Donald Trump , 77, could die in the White House if either wins in 2024

Politico’s head of news Alexander Burns on Friday published a piece entitled ‘Feinstein’s Demise is a Warning for Biden and Trump’

California Sen. Dianne Feinstein died on Friday at the age of 90, still in her Congressional seat

In his scathing write-up, Burns wrote that the trend of politicians staying in their office while in an ‘old and infirm’ state is one that needs to die out quickly. 

‘There is a phenomenon in politics whereby if someone is old and infirm but remains alive for a while in a diminished state, they can almost persuade people that they are immune to death,’ the author penned. 

Burns went on to mention several politicians and notable figures whom this phenomenon applies to, including John McCain and Ruth Bader Ginsburg. 

McCain – a Republican senator from Arizona – died in 2018 at the age of 81 while fighting brain cancer. 

Ginsburg – a longtime Supreme Court Justice and liberal dissenter on the Court – died in 2020 at 87 after several battles with cancer. 

Her death gave Trump the opportunity to clinch a more conservative-leaning Supreme Court with Amy Coney Barrett, who became Ginsburg’s successor. 

Burns wrote that the political world falling into peril and acting shocked when elderly politicians die – specifically mentioning Feinstein – is not shocking at all.  

‘There is nothing truly surprising about life coming to an end for someone in her frail condition, except maybe that it did not happen sooner,’ he wrote. 

Burns wrote that the political world falling into peril and acting shocked when elderly politicians die – specifically mentioning Feinstein – is not shocking at all

The Politico pundit continued, writing that with Trump and Biden looking at being on the ballot next year, it is ‘likelier now than at any other point in recent memory that the next American president will expire before his term does.’ 

He then went on to mention Senator Mitch McConnell, 81, whose health has recently been called into question as he has seemingly ‘gone blank’ during press conferences. 

In at least two different instances since July, the Kentucky Republican has frozen up on camera after he suffered a fall earlier this year. 

He, like Biden and Trump officials, has refused to answer questions about his physical and mental state as he continues his job. 

‘All these men seem to resent being reminded of their own mortality,’ Burns wrote. 

The author then lashed at the White House for giving reporters and media members ‘snark and brittleness’ when they asked about the president’s age. 

‘If anyone in American politics knows that death keeps its own calendar, it is him [Biden]. The president cannot be oblivious to the actuarial risks involved in seeking a second term — risks to himself, his party and the country,’ the piece stated. 

Prior to meeting First Lady Jill Biden, the president’s first wife, Neilia Biden, and their one-year-old daughter, Naomi Biden, were killed in a car crash in 1972. 

His son, Beau Biden, died at the age of 46 in 2015 after a battle with brain cancer.  

During a recent speech , Trump (pictured) warned that Biden – if reelected – would lead the U.S. into ‘World War Two’ in a gaffe-laden speech 

The issue of fitness for office has become a heightened topic of conversation in recent years as more elderly politicians hang onto their roles. 

Both Trump and Biden have been at the receiving end of this concern. 

During a recent speech, Trump warned that Biden – if reelected – would lead the U.S. into ‘World War Two’ in a gaffe-laden speech.

While addressing the Pray Vote Stand summit in Washington, the former president seemingly meant to say ‘World War Three,’ and not the conflict which ended in 1945.

‘We have a man who is totally corrupt and the worst president in the history of our country, who is cognitively impaired, in no condition to lead, and is now in charge of dealing with Russia and possible nuclear war,’ he said.

‘Just think of it. We would be in World War Two very quickly if we’re going to be relying on this man, and far more devastating than any war. 

‘There will never be a war if that happens— there will never be a war like this. It will obliterate everything there is, everybody, it will obliterate every country,’ Trump said.

Similarly, Biden has seen his own fair share of gaffes in the first three years of his presidency. 

In a recent incident, Biden’s staff cut off his mic during a rambling Vietnam press conference that came to a sudden end. 

Biden was mid-flow and answering questions from journalists when he was interrupted and forced to shuffle away and head backstage.

President Joe Biden awards the Medal of Honor to Capt. Larry Taylor, an Army pilot from the Vietnam War who risked his life to rescue a reconnaissance team

Just days before Biden’s Vietnam conference, he sparked backlash after he hastily exited a Medal of Honor ceremony at the White House, leaving a celebrated war hero awkwardly alone on stage.

The President quickly made his way out of the East Room after awarding the nation’s highest military honor to Larry Taylor, 81, a retired Army Captain celebrated for his heroics during the Vietnam War.

But while Taylor shed a tear as the medal was pinned to his lapel, Biden appeared less moved by the moment as he was reportedly already heading out of the door before the closing benediction was read.

‘Electoral politics is a contingent business and mortality is the ultimate contingency,’ Burns wrote in his Politico piece. 

‘The only mystery is how few senior statesmen and stateswomen seem to grasp this.’


Content source – www.soundhealthandlastingwealth.com

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