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More than a dozen kids were left stuck in the air after a theme park ride malfunctioned as technicians desperately worked to get them free. 

Distressed parents had to wait 30 minutes as Dreamworld staff tried to free their children, who were left suspended five metres in the air on Thursday night. 

The Gold Coast amusement park’s Humpty-Go-Round ride suddenly stopped working at 8:30pm and the last child was not freed until after 9pm. 

Children were left suspended five metres in the air for more than 30 minutes on Thursday after the Dreamworld Humpty-Go-Round ride malfunctioned

Stressed staffers worked to get children off of the ride while parents watched on at 8:30pm

All children were able to get off the ride safely but parents were still shaken as the park’s security tried to prevent them taking photos, the Gold Coast Bulletin reports

Parents of the children said that they heard a ‘cracking noise’ as mechanics yanked a panel off the ride which caused it to ‘drop violently’ with the children on board.

‘At first it was a bit novel seeing the ride had malfunctioned and frozen, the kids were laughing and carrying on, but pretty soon a whole lot of staff appeared and the situation got a little dicey,’ one parent told the publication.    

‘It looked like there was a fair bit of panic in the eyes of the staff – they seemed to be really struggling to figure out how to get the kids down safely.’

The children quickly became impatient and some looked frightened, according to the parent. 

Michael Wormald, whose child was stuck on the ride, said that Dreamworld’s response was swift and calm. 

The ride stalled when decorative collars became dislodged at the beginning of the ride, according to Mr Wormald.

‘While the ride was being worked on the operator was constantly on the microphone ensuring everyone on the ride knew it was being solved as soon as possible,’ he wrote on social media. 

A woman from customer care was also seen walking around speaking to families to make sure that they were okay. 

The ‘violent drop’ happened when technicians initially tried to lower the ride but failed to do so. 

They continued working until the ride was able to be lowered enough to use a small step to help the children off. 

‘The engineers went around one by one to get everyone off and then the first aid officers made sure everyone was okay and ensured that no one had a sore back/neck,’ Mr Wormald wrote. 

The malfunction occurred within minutes of the ride starting and technicians immediately began trying to resolve the issue, according to one parent whose child was on the ride

A spokesperson for Dreamworld confirmed that there had been a malfunction on Thursday and that ensuring the children’s safety was their top priority. 

‘The Humpty-Go-Round experienced an unscheduled stoppage as a result of its safety system functioning as expected,’ the spokesperson told Daily Mail Australia.

‘The process to lower the ride was conducted and our team was in communication with all guests for the duration.

‘We understand the inconvenience for our guests, however safety is our first priority and at no time was safety compromised.’

The latest incident followed reports an eight-year-old girl suffered a horrific genital injury on the Full6 ride at Dreamworld’s sister park WhiteWater World in November.

The owners of Dreamworld’s parent company, Ardent Leisure, denied that the girl’s injuries were their fault and that her mother had no entitlement to damages. 

They claim that since the unusual injury was not a foreseeable risk and they did not have a duty to protect the girl from it, according to The Courier Mail.  

Ardent also said that the $1million in damages sought were ‘excessive and wholly disproportionate to the true nature and full extent of the injury’. 

The mother, who is from Logan in Brisbane’s north, is also suing Swimplex Acquatics, who designed and built the ride but they are yet to file a defence. 

No date has been set for the hearing. 

Source: | This article originally belongs to Dailymail.co.uk

Content source – www.soundhealthandlastingwealth.com

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