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Trump raged that the southern border wall was his idea and has questioned when the President is expected to apologize as the Biden administration resumes its construction amid a mass influx of migrants.

In a post on Truth Social website, Trump bragged about building 561 miles of border wall between the US and Mexico – which he clarified was ‘more than the 400 miles’ he promised to build.

The former President claimed that he accomplished this ‘despite the false promises of the Broken Old Crow, Mitch McConnell, and RINO Paul RINO. Crazy Nancy & Cryin’ Chuck Schumer’ who allegedly fought him all the way.

By the time Biden took office in January 2021 only 452 miles of wall had been constructed – and only 40 miles of that wall was brand new, most of it replaced old fencing. 

This 458 miles is a fraction of the 1,954 mile border between the US and Mexico, POLITICO reported.

But Trump’s recent post claimed that ‘more was coming’ of his wall until ‘Crooked Joe’ came along and ‘sold it for pennies on the dollar’ blasting him and demanding an apology.

Trump uploaded a rant about his wall on Truth Social – a website created by his own media company – where he called out Joe Biden and suggested he owes Trump an apology 

Trump bragged about building 561 miles of border wall between the US and Mexico – which he clarified was ‘more than the 400 miles’ he promised to build

The US government made a total of $115,910 by selling materials for the wall in October alone, according to GovPlanet listings. 

This was because the Biden administration argued that the hollow tubes being used to secure the border could be cut through with conventional power tools. 

It also argued there wouldn’t be enough officers to patrol the entire length of the wall to make sure its security isn’t compromised.

Trump went on in his rampage to blame President Biden for the ‘15,000,000 people’ who have ‘invaded’ the US. 

It’s unclear, however, where he got this figure from because the US Customs and Border Protection website reported that 2.2 million migrants have crossed the border in 2023 and around 6.8 million since the beginning of Biden’s presidency.

The former President claimed that many of the ‘15,000,000’ people came from prisons and mental institutions.

He ended his rant about President Biden by asking: ‘Has he apologized to me yet?’

As the number of migrants crossing the border increases, Biden was put under pressure on Friday when asked why his party didn’t re-appropriate the funds when it controlled Congress.

The President said: ‘Oh, the wall thing, is that what you’re talking about? Yeah. I was told I had no choice.’

‘Congress passes legislation to build something, whether it is an aircraft carrier, wall, or provide for a tax cut, I can’t say I don’t like it.’

Rep. Nanette Barragán, the head of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, pointed out that ‘this decision is not in line with the current Administration’s commitments to end border wall construction.’

Former Housing Secretary Julián Castro said it was a ‘flip flop’ and accused Biden of making a play for votes in the 2024 election.

Trump went on in his rampage to blame President Biden for the ‘15,000,000 people’ who have ‘invaded’ the US and said many of the ‘15,000,000’ people came from prisons and mental institutions

Trump claimed to have accomplished his wall-building mission ‘despite the false promises of the Broken Old Crow, Mitch McConnell, and RINO Paul RINO. Crazy Nancy & Cryin’ Chuck Schumer’ who allegedly fought him all the way

‘This is responsive to the pressure, especially the attacks from Republicans that Biden has gotten, that I think he and his team are probably afraid is making him seem too soft on immigration,’ Castro said Thursday night on MSNBC.

‘And so they’re taking a political gamble here. And the gamble is that by basically what they think of as moving to the middle on immigration and seem harsher and seeming harsher on it, that they’re going to gain more votes in 2024 than they’ll lose from unenthusiastic progressives or allies.’

Many Democrats are furious with the president for resuming construction on the border wall, calling it hypocritical and a play for votes in the 2024 election.

These accusations come after a Gallup poll this summer found that most Americans believe the crisis on the border is a problem: 39% think it’s a ‘crisis,’ 33% a ‘major problem,’ and 22% a ‘minor problem. 

Over 200,000 migrants were processed crossing illegally into the U.S. for September, illustrating the gravity of the border crisis the Biden administration is struggling to manage.

Preliminary data obtained by CBS News found Border Patrol agents last month recorded an estimated 210,000 apprehensions – the third highest number on record.

The colossal numbers signified migrants entering the U.S. without authorization in between official ports of entry along the Mexican border and was a sizeable increase from the 181,000 recorded in August, the outlet reported. 

It does not take into account those who managed to make it across without being apprehended.

Many Democrats are furious with President Biden for resuming construction on the border wall, calling it hypocritical and a play for votes in the 2024 election

Over 200,000 migrants were processed crossing illegally into the U.S. for September, illustrating the gravity of the border crisis the Biden administration is struggling to manage

Title 42 came to an end in May, 2023 and has prompted a massive surge of migrants crossing the border every day

It comes after, Title 42 came to an end in May, 2023 and prompted a massive surge of migrants crossing the border every day.

The public health measure was employed in March 2020 by President Donald Trump to quell migration during the COVID-19 pandemic by blocking those caught at those at the border from seeking asylum.

The policy allows for border and immigration authorities to prohibit the entry of those who potentially pose a health risk or recently visited a country where a communicable disease was present. 

During the coronavirus pandemic, Title 42 was used to immediately deport migrants without processing their asylum claims due to the declared public health emergency. 

Migrants could be rapidly expelled back to Mexico, and since it began Title 42 was used more than 2.7 million times. In March more than 191,00 migrants were encountered at the border, and many expect crossings to rise from 7,500 to 13,000 a day when Title 42 ends.

With the COVID emergency coming to and end, the Title 42 restrictions was lifted, and even President Biden said it would lead to ‘chaotic’ scenes for a while. 

Source: | This article originally belongs to Dailymail.co.uk

Content source – www.soundhealthandlastingwealth.com

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