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The daughter of convicted ‘Teacher’s Pet’ killer Chris Dawson has revealed the heartbreaking question her own daughter asked her about her grandfather. 

Shanelle Dawson grew up without knowing her mother Lynette – who was murdered in 1982 at her home in Sydney‘s Northern Beaches by her former professional rugby league-playing father amid an affair he was having with a 16-year-old student.

She now has her own young daughter named Kialah.

‘My daughter did say to me one day, can she go and visit her grandfather in jail,’ Shanelle revealed to The Weekend Australian in an interview published Saturday.

Shanelle said she had never considered visiting her father, who is serving a 24-year sentence for Lynette’s murder plus another three years for unlawful carnal knowledge of his 16-year-old student, whom he later married. 

‘I certainly do feel like I might want or need to at some point before he dies, but I’m also really well aware of the fact he might not even want to see me,’ she said.

Chris and Lynette Dawson’s daughter Shanelle (pictured) revealed the heartbreaking question her own daughter Kialah asked her

Dawson in his suit in September 2022 before he was convicted of the 1982 murder of Lynette and taken away to prison

Shanelle said she assumed her father might feel betrayed by her after she delivered a powerful and furious victim impact statement in court describing being robbed of her mother by his ‘selfish, brutal and misogynistic act’. 

‘He very likely probably doesn’t want to see me because on some level he might even blame me for the fact that he’s incarcerated.’

In September 2022, Justice Ian Harrison found Dawson guilty, bringing to a close a mystery that has haunted Lynette’s family and Sydney’s northern beaches for four decades.

His Honour said Dawson was motivated by his obsessive infatuation with the schoolgirl babysitter, known as JC.

His motivation was the fear of losing her and clearing the impediment that his wife Lyn represented, as well as not losing hold of his assets as would happen in a divorce, Justice Harrison said.

Shanelle said 10 months on she is now focused on healing after decades of doubt and questions about why her mother abandoned her, as she was ‘gas-lighted’ into believing. 

Dawson told Shanelle, then four, and her two-year-old younger sister that their mother had simply walked out because she didn’t love them anymore.

Shanelle is seen with her mother Lyn before her disappearance in 1982

Shanelle was just four-years-old when her mother Lyn vanished (pictured with Chris Dawson)  

Shanelle told The Teacher’s Pet podcast – which has had 80million downloads and brought Lyn’s disappearance back into the spotlight – that her mother was rarely spoken about after she went missing.

‘We didn’t mention my mother. There was, I don’t really know why, but just this really uncomfortable ­silence,’ Shanelle said. 

Dawson has never revealed details about what really happened and Lynette’s body was never found.

Shanelle said she thinks he never will but that she also believes someone else does know and holds out hope they will eventually speak up to ‘lighten their conscience’. 

Lynette would have been 75 years old on September 25.

Shanelle said she and Kialah celebrated for her by playing some songs which they dedicated to their mother and grandmother.


January 1982 – Lynette ‘Lyn’ Dawson, 33, disappears from her home at Bayview on Sydney’s northern beaches, leaving behind two young daughters. The family’s babysitter, a schoolgirl who can only be identified as JC, moves into the home within days.

February – Chris Dawson, a teacher and former Newtown Jets rugby league player, reports his wife missing some six weeks after he says she disappeared.

2001 – An inquest recommended a ‘known person’ be charged with Mrs Dawson’s murder, but the Director of Public Prosecutions later says the evidence was not tested because no witnesses were called.

2003 – A second inquest calls witnesses and recommends a known person be charged with murder, referring the matter to the DPP. Again, no charges are laid.

2010 – NSW Police announce a $100,000 reward for any information leading to a conviction.

2014 – The reward is doubled to $200,000.

2015 – Strikeforce Scriven is established and the Dawsons’ entire Bayview block is mapped.

April 2018 – Scriven detectives request the DPP review their brief of evidence.

May – The Australian newspaper releases The Teacher’s Pet podcast about Mrs Dawson’s disappearance. It is eventually downloaded 60 million times worldwide.

July – NSW police commissioner Mick Fuller admits police ‘dropped the ball’ in the 1980s investigation.

September – Police dig up the backyard at the Bayview home the couple shared at the time of Mrs Dawson’s disappearance but don’t find remains or any items of interest.

December 5 – Chris Dawson is arrested on the Gold Coast and spends the night in a watch-house.

December 6 – Dressed in a polo shirt, shorts and thongs, the then 70-year-old is extradited to Sydney, where he’s charged with his first wife’s murder and appears in court via video link. His lawyer, Greg Walsh, says he ‘strenuously asserts his innocence’.

December 17 – Dawson is bailed to live back in his Queensland home.

August 8, 2019 – Magistrate Michael Allen warns that some reporting of the case could affect a fair trial, saying: ‘Someone would have to be living in a cave or be naive in the extreme to perhaps ignore the potential for unfairness to a person who receives this level of media scrutiny.’

February 11-13, 2020 – Magistrate Jacqueline Trad hears evidence before committing Dawson to stand trial for murder.

April 3 – Dawson formally pleads not guilty to murder, with his lawyers flagging an application for a permanent stay of proceedings.

September 25 – Supreme Court Justice Elizabeth Fullerton grants Dawson only a nine-month halt to allow the ‘unrestrained and clamorous’ public commentary about his wife’s disappearance to abate before his trial.

June 11, 2021 – The Court of Criminal Appeal refuses a permanent halt to proceedings.

April 8, 2022 – The High Court backs the lower courts’ decisions not to permanently halt proceedings.

May 2 – Supreme Court Justice Robert Beech-Jones orders the trial to proceed before a judge alone following an application by Dawson.

May 9-July 11 – The trial is heard by Justice Ian Harrison, with prosecutors alleging Dawson was violent and abusive towards his wife and killed her to have an unfettered relationship with JC. Dawson’s lawyers pointed to various witnesses claiming to have seen Mrs Dawson alive and well after January 1982.

August 30 – Dawson is found guilty of murder.

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Source: Australian Associated Press 

Source: | This article originally belongs to Dailymail.co.uk

Content source – www.soundhealthandlastingwealth.com

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