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Clinically Speaking: What Are the Surgical Treatments for Fibroids?

Español Uterine fibroids are so common that 8 out of 10 women will develop them before they reach age 50. These non-cancerous growths generally aren’t considered dangerous and some fibroids cause no symptoms at all. But depending on their size, place and number, fibroids can cause complications or symptoms such as pelvic pain, bladder issues […]

Revealed: How murdered Croydon schoolgirl told friend ‘I’m not afraid to die, I’m going to heaven’ just a day before she was ‘stabbed to death by her friend’s ex-boyfriend’ by bus stop in horrific attack that’s shocked the nation

The 15-year-old schoolgirl who was murdered in Croydon yesterday told her friend ‘I’m not afraid to die, I’m going to heaven’ just one day before she was stabbed to death, MailOnline can reveal. Elianne Andam, a pupil at the £20,000-a-year private school, Old Palace of John Whitgift, was tragically killed yesterday morning next to a […]

Conversación sobre la salud: ¿Qué son los tratamientos quirúrgicos para fibromas?

Los fibromas uterinos son tan frecuentes que 8 de cada 10 mujeres los tendrán antes de cumplir 50 años. Estas protuberancias no cancerosas generalmente no se consideran peligrosas y algunos fibromas no causan síntomas. Pero dependiendo de su tamaño, lugar y cantidad, los fibromas pueden causar complicaciones o síntomas tales como dolor pélvico, problemas de […]

You and Your Bladder

From the Desk of Beth Battaglino, RN, CEO, HealthyWomen It’s an undeniable fact. No one knows your body like you do. And when something doesn’t feel quite right, it’s important that you pay attention, speak up and seek answers. Shirley Norris learned this lesson when she first noticed bright red blood in her urine in […]

For Nearly a Year, Doctor’s Dismissed My Bladder Cancer Symptoms as UTIs

As told to Nicole Audrey Spector In 2013, I was at an amusement park with my family when I started experiencing sudden and frequent urges to urinate and a burning sensation when I peed. At first I chalked it up to getting older. I figured, “Well, maybe things aren’t working as well as they used […]

Women Who Have Never Smoked Can Get Lung Cancer

Medically reviewed by Jenn Duke, M.D. + Infographic text Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related death in the U.S.  More women than men get lung cancer. In 2023, more than 120,000 new cases of lung cancer will be diagnosed in women, compared with 117,550 in men Why are women at higher risk of […]