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Rep. Matt Gaetz said he’d spoken to Donald Trump several times in the runup to Tuesday’s historic vote that ousted Kevin McCarthy as speaker and that the former president approved of his actions. 

‘I have spoken to President Trump over the last several days,’ Gaetz told reporters on the steps of the Capitol after the vote. ‘I would say that my conversations with the former president leave me with great confidence that I’m doing the right thing.’

McCarthy became the first speaker in American history to be outed from his job in Tuesday’s vote that saw eight members of his own party sink him. Now Republicans will have to deal with the fallout. That not only includes electing a new speaker but dealing with the bloodbath that remains of their party.

‘I would say that my conversations with the former president leave me with great confidence that I’m doing the right thing,’ Rep. Matt Gaetz said of his conversations with Donald Trump

The shockwaves from the vote left Democrats quietly shaking their heads as they left the House chamber. Lawmakers packed the House floor for the vote and, instead of standing in groups to chat like is typical during a vote, each sat in their seat in silence, waiting for their name to be called so they could record their vote.

McCarthy sat in silence after the vote was done. When the gavel came down on his speakership, he stood to shake hands. His supporters surrounded him. One group of Republican lawmakers was seen in the corner of the floor praying. Republican Rep. Ann Wagner appeared to be crying.

Trump and Gaetz are close but McCarthy also has heavily courted the former president and his MAGA base. Trump seemed to disapprove of the drama playing out in Congress‘ lower chamber.

‘Why is it that Republicans are always fighting among themselves, why aren’t they fighting the Radical Left Democrats who are destroying our Country?’ he wrote on Truth Social ahead of the vote.

Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, who is close to both Trump and McCarthy, called the vote ‘frightening.

‘It’s actually pretty frightening considering our country has so many problems and we really need to be a functioning House,’ she said.

Gaetz, a Republican from Florida, was defiant about his decision to start the process to kick McCarthy out of the speaker’s office – a move that left several members of his party furious with him.

Standing on the marble steps of the Capitol, the sun setting behind him, Gaetz refused to back down, hitting back at criticism he has paralyzed the House and hamstrung his party. 

‘If they want to expel me, let me know when they have the votes,’ Gaetz said of talk Republicans may kick him out of the House GOP Conference. 

He slammed McCarthy as a ‘creature of the swamp.’

‘Kevin McCarthy is a feature of the swamp. He has risen to power by collecting special interest money and redistributing that money in exchange for favors. We are breaking the fever now. And we should elect a speaker who’s better than Kevin McCarthy,’ Gaetz said.

He described the Republican Party as in the ‘stages of grief.’ 

‘There was a stage of denial and I’ve certainly experienced a good amount of their anger. And now we appear to be headed toward bargaining,’ he said.

Kevin McCarthy after the vote that ousted him as speaker

Former President Donald Trump and Rep. Matt Gaetz are close – the two are seen above at a November 2019 campaign rally in Florida

McCarthy ally Rep. Patrick McHenry was named speaker pro temp in the aftermath of McCarthy’s ouster. House Republicans are meeting Tuesday night to go over their next steps, which includes a speaker election.

McCarthy has ‘implied’ to lawmakers he will run again, Republican Rep. Dan Crenshaw said ahead of the vote. 

But Gaetz blasted that idea.

‘I think Kevin McCarthy should take a hint after 15 ballots to become speaker after eight months of a failed speakership and after removal in this historic manner. I think we should move on and find somebody else. What’s paralyzed the House of Representatives has been the failure of Speaker McCarthy,’ he said.

He said he ‘absolutely’ didn’t want the speaker job for himself.

He floated a number of names – including members of McCarthy’s own leadership team like Steve Scalise and Tom Emmer. He also suggested Reps. Mike Johnson, Kevin Hern and Jodey Arrington. He even suggested he ‘might call up’ former New York GOP Rep. Lee Zeldin. 

It’s unclear who has enough support among Republicans to be their next leader.

‘No one has the support in the conference like Kevin McCarthy does,’ Greene told reporters. 

Gaetz and McCarthy have been locked in an epic power struggle all year, since it took McCarthy 15 rounds of votes in January to secure the speakership.

That voting also led to his downfall.  When McCarthy was trying to secure enough Republican votes to be speaker, to garner enough support from the conservative wing of the party, McCarthy agreed to their demand to give them the ability to call a quick vote to ‘vacate the chair’ and remove him from office.

Gaetz used that on Monday to present a ‘motion to vacate the chair’ – the first step in the process to remove McCarthy. 

Gaetz charges McCarthy with breaking his word to conservatives on spending deals and how he would run the House. 

McCarthy’s allies say it’s a personal vendetta, pointing to the House Ethics committee looking into several allegations against Gaetz, including illicit drug use, sexual misconduct and misusing campaign funds.

House Democrats, meanwhile, voted one by one to oust McCarthy from the job.

McCarthy had called House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries on Monday night but failed to get any support from his counterpart across the aisle.

Democrats met Tuesday morning and were clear they neither supported nor trusted McCarthy.

They cited McCarthy’s actions on January 6th, his trip to Mar-a-Lago to make amends with Donald Trump, his attempt to discredit the January 6th committee, and his reneging on debt limit deal and a budget deal as their reasons.

‘We’re not voting in any way that would help save Speaker McCarthy,’ Rep. Pramila Jayapal said ahead of the vote. ‘Nobody trusts Kevin McCarthy, and why should they?’

McCarthy ally Patrick McHenry was named speaker pro temp

As for the next steps, now both parties will hold meetings to decide their nominees for speaker. 

The election could be messy and Congress has just over 40 days to avert a government shutdown. Republicans, the party in the House majority, have no leader to negotiate with President Joe Biden or Senate Democrats.

The humiliating end for McCarthy, 58, sent shockwaves across Capitol Hill and secured his title as the shortest-serving Speaker since 1875, following a rollercoaster tenure of nine months. 

It came after a rebellion led by Gaetz and a small group of hardline Republicans who viewed McCarthy as a weak conservative.

The vote had moments of surprises including when Republican Rep. Nancy Mace of South Carolina stunned her colleagues by voting to boot McCarthy from leadership.

The free-wheeling congresswoman said her vote was about ‘trust.’ 

‘It’s not ideological. It’s about having a leader in our nation who will tell the truth, who you can trust,’ she told DailyMail.com. ‘I am looking for a speaker who will tell the truth.’ 

The GOP leader’s tenure came crashing down, nine months after he was elected after an unprecedented 15 rounds of votes.  


It came after a rebellion led by his nemesis, Florida congressman Matt Gaetz , and a small group of hardline Republicans who viewed McCarthy as a weak conservative

Steve Scalise was one of the Republicans who came out in support of McCarthy 

McCarthy’s supporters called him a ‘happy warrior’ with ‘true American grit’

McCarthy’s supporters called him a ‘happy warrior’ with ‘true American grit’.

But, speaking on the House floor, Gaetz said: ‘Chaos is speaker McCarthy. Chaos is somebody who we cannot trust with their word.

‘One thing that the White House, House Democrats, and many of us on the conservative side of the Republican caucus would argue is that the thing we have in common – Kevin McCarthy said something to all of us at one point or another that he didn’t really mean and never intended to live up to.

‘I don’t think voting against Kevin McCarthy is chaos. I think $33 trillion in debt is chaos. I think that facing a $2.2 trillion annual deficit is chaos.’

He added: ‘Let’s get on with it, lets vacate the chair, let’s get a better Speaker.’ 

McCarthy’s supporters booed and jeered at Gaetz as he tore into the Speaker ahead of the vote that officially removed him. 

Republicans control the chamber by a narrow 221-212 majority, meaning it took only a handful of defections to remove McCarthy.

Gaetz and his allies criticized McCarthy for relying on Democratic votes to pass temporary funding that headed off a partial government shutdown last week.

They also said he had not pushed hard enough to cut spending, and was too willing to send money to Ukraine.

Content source – www.soundhealthandlastingwealth.com

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