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McKayla Maroney has revealed her battle with debilitating insomnia, saying she only slept a total of 10 days in three months before discovering she has a histamine intolerance

The retired Olympic gymnast opened up about her ‘wacko health issues’ on her ‘Glowy’ Instagram account Tuesday — her first post on the wellness and beauty page in nearly a year. 

‘Hopefully you had a hot girl summer because I definitely did not. I had a summer of severe insomnia,’ Maroney, 27, wrote at the start of the lengthy caption.  

‘I slept a total of 10 days out of three months. I’d like to say it was a nightmare, but you have to sleep to have nightmares.’ 

McKayla Maroney, 27, opened up about her battle with debilitating insomnia in a post shared on her ‘Glowy’ Instagram page on Tuesday 

The retired Olympic gymnast included footage of herself crying over her lack of sleep. ‘I’m so tired of not sleeping…Like it’s been a month of not sleeping,’ she admits in the emotional video

Maroney shared pictures of herself getting her blood drawn and taking a food sensitivities test, as well as footage of herself crying over her insomnia. 

‘I’m so tired of not sleeping… Like it’s been a month of not sleeping,’ she admits in the emotional video. 

Maroney also included images of the list of symptoms she had saved on her cell phone and text messages about her sleepless nights.  

She explained that she ‘went to tons of doctors,’ but she has ‘only just  begun to get to the root cause of this health spiral crisis.’ 

Maroney said she finally found out that she has a histamine intolerance, which occurs when there are high levels of histamine in the body. 

Histamine is most commonly associated with allergic reactions, but it also sends messages to the brain and triggers the release of stomach acid to help digestion.

Too much of the naturally occurring chemical can affect regular bodily functions, according to Healthline

Histamine intolerance is believed to be the result of a deficiency of the enzyme diamine oxidase (DAO), which breaks down the chemical in the body. 

Maroney (pictured at the World Gymnastics Championships in 2011) explained that she ‘went to tons of doctors,’ but she has ‘only just begun to get to the root cause of this health spiral’

‘I slept a total of 10 days out of three months. I’d like to say it was a nightmare, but you have to sleep to have nightmares,’ wrote Maroney (pictured in July) 

Maroney shared pictures of herself getting her blood drawn while trying to figure out what was wrong with her 

Maroney said she finally found out that she has a histamine intolerance, which occurs when there are high levels of histamine in the body

The athlete has since cut out high-histamine foods and started taking a diamine oxidase (DAO) supplement to help treat her insomnia

It can cause a variety of symptoms, including gastrointestinal issues, itchy skin, headaches, fatigue, and insomnia. 

Maroney said her histamine intolerance led to a ‘massive adrenaline problem.’

In her post, she included text messages documenting her sleep struggles 

‘When it got really bad, high histamine foods made me feel internally itchy, like I was getting bit by mosquitoes all night,’ she recalled.

Maroney explained that she only recently made the connection between her health issues and her high histamine levels.

She has since cut out high-histamine foods and started taking a DAO supplement to help treat her insomnia. 

‘I’ve started to sleep again. PRAISE GOD,’ she wrote. ‘Someone give me a round of applause, because I barely survived this one. I still need to figure out what’s causing the histamine intolerance but this is a good start for me.’

Maroney noted she also has anemia and recently discovered high-oxalate foods such as spinach, almonds, and potatoes cause her to suffer ‘massive fatigue’ and ‘weird neuropathy issues’ that negatively affect her sleep.

‘I still feel kind of embarrassed about all my wacko health issues and food sensitivities,’ she admitted at the end of her post. 

Maroney noted she also has anemia and recently discovered high-oxalate foods cause her to suffer ‘massive fatigue’ and ‘weird neuropathy issues’ that negatively affect her sleep

‘I still feel kind of embarrassed about all my wacko health issues and food sensitivities,’ she admitted in her post 

Maroney, who has been writing down her insomnia tips, shared that she has finally started sleeping again 

Maroney said she still isn’t sure what is causing her histamine intolerance, which can lead to a variety of symptoms, including headaches, fatigue, and insomnia

‘I hate how high maintenance they’ve made me when I just want to be normal — but it is what it is. I’m just gonna share about it, and hopefully help someone!!

‘My next posts will be more helpful I promise — this was more of a trauma dump.’

Maroney was just 16 years old when she and her ‘Fierce Five’ teammates took home the gold at the 2012 Summer Olympics in London. 

After winning an individual silver medal in the vault event, a photographer captured her ‘not impressed’ face, and the image swiftly went viral.

Maroney announced her retirement from gymnastics in 2016, and a year later she became one of the first gymnasts to speak out against convicted sex offender Larry Nassar

The former USA Gymnastics doctor is serving up to 175 years for abusing hundreds of female gymnastics, including some of the nation’s top athletes. 

In January 2021, Maroney launched her Glowy (originally Glohe) Instagram page, where she writes about wellness, beauty, and mental health. 

The Olympic gold medalist’s latest health update marks the first time she has posted on the page in nearly a year. 

Content source – www.soundhealthandlastingwealth.com

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