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Oxford University‘s student union invited Just Stop Oil to host a stall at this year’s freshers’ fair, the Mail can reveal today.

Daniel Knorr, 21, who stormed Lord’s cricket ground during the second Ashes test match this summer, was pictured manning the stand and recruiting students to join the radical eco-protest group.

He also posted 17,000 JSO leaflets to Oxford students via their college cubby holes earlier this week.

It comes despite Education Secretary Gillian Keegan warning last month that students risk ruining their futures if they participate in slow-march protests organised by JSO.

In a letter sent to university vice-chancellors, Mrs Keegan said that institutions must be prepared for ‘any heightened risk of unlawful activity taking place’ on campuses this year.

Oxford University’s student union invited Just Stop Oil to host a stall at this year’s freshers’ fair, the Mail can reveal today. Pictured: Daniel Knorr campaigning for JSO at the fair

Knorr stormed Lord’s cricket ground during the second Ashes test match this summer. He was removed from the pitch by Jonny Bairstow

Pictured: Just Stop Oil’s Daniel Knorr at City of London Magistrates’ Court on September 28

Her letter followed a Mail investigation which exposed the group’s plot to infiltrate university campuses and build an army of impressionable undergraduates.

Oxford is one of a number of educational institutions where JSO has promoted its cause to students.

Student societies are allowed have a stall at Oxford’s freshers’ fair for a small fee, subject to approval from the student union.

Just Stop Oil is a protest group that campaigns for the Government to end all new oil, gas and coal licences.

Yesterday, five of its activists were arrested for hijacking a performance of Les Misérables at London’s Sondheim Theatre.

Campaigners have also been leafleting undergraduates and running talks in student cities since last month.

JSO hopes to generate more than 500 student arrests to contribute to their goal of ‘overwhelming’ police stations and courts with 3,000 arrests during a ‘concentrated’ slow-march campaign between October 29 to November 18.

Last week, Mr Knorr travelled to Birmingham where he gave a talk about the ‘climate crisis’ at a wellbeing cafe in student hotspot Selly Oak.

Knorr (L) also posted 17,000 JSO leaflets to Oxford students via their college cubby holes (R) earlier this week

During a talk in Birmingham’s student hotspot Selly Oak, Knorr bragged about the moment he was hauled off the Lord’s pitch by England wicketkeeper Jonny Bairstow and boasted that he punched the air to ‘look cool’ in pictures

During the talk he bragged about the moment he was hauled off the Lord’s pitch by England wicketkeeper Jonny Bairstow and boasted that he punched the air to ‘look cool’ in pictures

Conservative MP Paul Bristow said: ‘It seems strange that Oxford Students Union are OK about students ruining their future by joining Just Stop Oil’s criminal protests.

‘Just Stop Oil are not a political party or legitimate protest group.

‘They are a militant organisation.

‘Their actions endanger lives, take up police resources, and cause suffering.

‘They are not the sort of group that should be recruiting a freshers’ fairs.’

Tory MP Brendan Clarke-Smith said: ‘It is concerning to hear that extreme groups that are encouraging people to break the law are being allowed to recruit students on campus

‘Undergraduates are impressionable and young and the decisions they make now could result in a criminal record which would negatively impact the rest of their lives.’

Last year the Oxford Student Union voted to ban the historic Oxford Union from the freshers’ fair after accusing it of having a ‘toxic culture of bullying’.

They were forced to U-turn on this decision after they were ‘reminded’ of the institution’s free speech policy by the university.

A University of Oxford spokesman said: ‘Oxford University supports the right of all our students and student groups to express views of all persuasions within the law.

Yesterday, five JSO activists were arrested for hijacking a performance of Les Misérables at London’s Sondheim Theatre 

‘The university does not support illegal action, including any unlawful protesting, and may, within its powers, take any steps it considers appropriate against any student guilty of such behaviour.’

Just Stop Oil activist and Oxford University student Daniel Knorr said: ‘We are asking fellow students to take part in nonviolent civil resistance.

‘Young people will live to experience the worst effects of climate breakdown.

‘I hope Oxford University continues to enable freedom of thought and assembly to its students.’

A spokesman for the Oxford Student Union said: ‘The last two days have seen over 10,000 students attend the Oxford SU freshers’ fair.

‘Oxford SU is a proud supporter of free speech and as such would never deny any student society the opportunity to have a stall at our freshers’ fair on a first come first serve basis.’

Oxford University Student Union has been contacted for comment.

Earlier this week Oxford’s new vice chancellor, Irene Tracey, condemned abuse of transgender students at the university during an address at the Sheldonian Theatre.

In her first speech since being appointed VC, Professor Tracey said she was ‘deeply saddened’ about the ‘abusive and threatening language’ aimed at ‘our trans community’.

Earlier this year, three protesters disrupted a talk at the Oxford Union by Professor Kathleen Stock, an academic who believes that sex is immutable.

In May, student union trustees reversed its decision to ban the Oxford Union from Freshers’ Fair. 

Source: | This article originally belongs to Dailymail.co.uk

Content source – www.soundhealthandlastingwealth.com

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