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‘Tenant from hell’ Elizabeth Hirschhorn is a serial litigant who sued a Los Angeles couple over a car accident two years after it happened – only to be accused of lying about the extent of her injuries and having no facts to back up her case.

Hirschhorn, 55, was dubbed ‘America’s worst Airbnb guest’ earlier this week after it was revealed that she has squatted in a guesthouse in ritzy Brentwood for over 540 days – and countersued owner dentist, Sascha Jovanovic, 61, when he tried to evict her.

Now DailyMail.com has discovered another case, filed in June 2019 over a July 2017 traffic accident, that overlapped with two other cases – one in LA over an unpaid $19,000 AMEX credit card bill, and a second in Oakland which saw her refuse to leave a two-bedroom cottage she had sublet.

Court papers revealed Thursday by DailyMail.com showed that, as in the Jovanovic case, she cited ill-health and Covid-19 regulations as reasons for her staying put in the Oakland property – despite paying no rent to owners Brian and Gordon Bishop.

Elizabeth Hirschhorn, the Airbnb guest refusing to leave a guesthouse in Brentwood Hills, LA, was unmasked by DailyMail.com. She is pictured at a Harvard reunion

Hirschhorn is currently locked in a legal battle with homeowner Sascha Jovanovic after overstaying her tenancy at the luxury rental for more tan 540 days rent-free. She is now demanding $100,000 to vacate the house 

DailyMail.com unearthed legal filings that show the Hirschhorn has a history of launching lawsuits and countersuits, including a 2019 case she filed against married couple Jacqueline McMahon and Timothy Hayes over a car accident two years earlier 

Approached by DailyMail.com and asked about his unwanted tenant, Brian Bishop, 58, of Albany, California, acknowledged his legal fight with Hirschhorn but said the LA case ‘resonated’ with him but he could not comment on what the 55-year-old received in exchange for leaving his $2.5million cottage.

Attempts to contact Hirschhorn have proved unsuccessful.

She is now facing a further legal fight after Jovanovic’s lawyer pledged to file a fresh appeal in light of DailyMail.com’s revelations – noting that the Oakland and AMEX cases are evidence of her acting in ‘bad faith’.

Speaking to DailyMail.com, attorney Sebastian Rucci said: ‘We will bring this the Oakland and AMEX cases to the judge’s attention in the Los Angeles case, as her filings are in bad faith.

‘We will secure a judgment against her and evict her from the Los Angeles house without paying her anything. We will also ask the judge to sanction her with legal fees.’

Hirschhorn is currently demanding $100,000 to vacate Jovanovic’s guesthouse and managed to get a settlement in the Oakland case, which ended in July 2021 – shortly before she moved in there in September 2021.

Hirschhorn’s legal fights, which dragged out for years, left the Harvard-educated woman empty-handed – and in the AMEX case, on the hook for a $19,000 bill plus costs after an LA judge decided she was responsible for the full amount on the credit card, despite her protestations.

The car crash case, which meandered on until March 2022, ended with it being thrown out – despite multiple rounds of discovery and motions galore.

Hirschhorn sought compensation, claiming she suffered wage loss, medical expenses, loss of earning capacity, and other damages, the documents show

She accused Jacqueline McMahon and Timothy Hayes of general negligence in a motor vehicle accident 

McMahon and Hayes responded to her complaint denying every allegation and saying she had failed to provide any facts to back up her case. The suit was finally dismissed in 2022 

She had claimed that she was hit by a vehicle driven by married couple Jacqueline McMahon and Timothy Hayes at a Los Angeles intersection in July 2017.

In the legal papers, she blames the crash entirely on the couple, accuses them of negligence and says she faced significant medical bills and was left unable to work as a result.

Hirschhorn describes herself as a writer and film producer on her Linkedin page. But she has barely worked since 2002 – with her IMDB page showing her last credit was a writing gig for five episodes of The Osbournes that year.

She demanded damages from McMahon and Hayes – only for them to say she had failed to provide any facts to back up her case.

In a response seen by DailyMail.com, they said they ‘specifically deny’ that plaintiff was damaged in the amount alleged, or in any other amount, or in any manner whatsoever, by any act or omission on the part of these answering defendants.’

Hirschhorn was still fighting the case and the AMEX bill while living in Jovanovic’s guesthouse rent-free and refusing to leave.

The AMEX case, which was initially filed in Oakland before being moved to Los Angeles, also saw Hirschhorn countersue – claiming the credit card company had not reimbursed her for a series of false charges made by a relocation company and that therefore, she was not liable.

In the end, the case was settled after more than two years of wrangling in April with Hirschhorn forced to admit that she is on the hook for $19,037.96 plus costs and ordered to repay the money in installments of $541.67 per month.

She is now facing the prospect of further legal wrangling, despite having been granted permission to stay at Jovanovic’s home by an LA judge who found she had the right to be considered a tenant and enjoyed the legal right to stay on – even though she owes $60,000 in back rent for the 18-months-and-counting she has stayed since her six-month tenancy expired.

Hirschhorn has now been dubbed ‘America’s worst Airbnb renter’ after it emerged she was demanding $100,000 to vacate the home of host Sascha  Jovanovic (left)

Jovanovic’s attorneys tell DailyMail.com they are now preparing their appeal in light of Hirschhorn’s previous ‘bad faith’ legal actions after an LA judge ruled she had the legal right to stay at the property 

According to the lawsuit, things took an ugly turn when Jovanovic went to do some maintenance at the guesthouse after receiving a complaint from Hirschhorn and noticed mold and water damage around the sink and water dame to a doorway which he claimed were not there before her stay

Rucci says he believes the judge misinterpreted the tenancy law and is preparing an appeal against the decision to be filed this week and is also looking at bringing a new case against her under civil racketeering laws due to her litigious past and previous tenancy dispute.

Hirschhorn’s lawyers say their client should be allowed to stay due to Jovanovic’s failure to get a permit for a shower in the guesthouse which he has retrospectively applied for but cannot complete without getting access to the property – which Hirschhorn has denied him.

According to her San Diego attorney Colin Walshok, that makes the guesthouse a ‘bootleg’ rental property – which lets Hirschhorn off the hook for $60,000 in back rent and also puts her in line to be reimbursed for the $19,000 rent she paid up front via Airbnb in September 2021.

In a statement to DailyMail.com, Walshok also accused Jovanovic of harassment and insisted that the two had agreed a longer tenancy – despite Rucci pointing out he has no documents to prove it.

In the punchy statement, Walshok said: ‘Ruthless unhinged landlord Jovanovic is spreading vicious fake news stories about tenant Hirschhorn to mislead the public about the many laws he broke.

‘This is a malicious smear campaign about a tenant who did not do the things Jovanovic is telling the public she did.

‘Jovanovic is making up elaborate false stories, false facts and false documents. He has intentionally not disclosed that he agreed to a long-term lease with the tenant outside of the Airbnb platform.

Oakland property: Court filings obtained by DailyMail.com reveal Hirschhorn was involved in a similar squatting dispute at this cottage she sublet in 2019. The case was settled just two months before she moved into her current rental 

Further court papers obtained by DailyMail.com show Massachusetts native Hirschhorn was also sued by American Express over an unpaid credit card debt totaling $19,617.82 in February 2021

‘It was never a six-month lease. He lies to cover up all the rent she paid and her willingness to pay even higher rent.’

Walshok did not respond to a request from DailyMail.com asking for more information about what exactly the ‘false stories, false facts and false documents’ might be.

When Walshok’s statement was put to Rucci, he noted the lengthy correspondence between Hirschhorn and Jovanovic in the court file and added: ‘Documents? That’s amazing. So, I assume the emails from Elizabeth are false then? It’s very detailed and you don’t have to take my word for it.’

He told DailyMail.com he believes Hirschhorn is holding out for a settlement like the one she received in the Oakland case, saying: ‘She countersued. If she has a claim, she will get her day in court.

‘But what is your purpose for staying there right now? Your purpose is that you’re hoping to get a settlement.

‘Well, we’re not going to push it through insurance and Sascha’s not going to pay you $100,000. 

‘The only purpose for her being there is fundamentally because of what happens if they lose later.

‘One of the judges told her – he said, well [if you lose] then you’ll owe $60,000 to be paid over 10 years, and that’s on you.’

Content source – www.soundhealthandlastingwealth.com

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