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A pro-Palestine activist who called Hamas terror attacks against Israel ‘inspiring’ and ‘beautiful’ is an elected Women Students’ officer at the University of Sussex students’ union, MailOnline can reveal. 

Hanin Barghouti was seen addressing a crowd by the Clock Tower in Brighton during a protest organised by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign on Saturday – a day after terrorists began murdering and kidnapping Israeli civilians. 

Describing herself as a Palestinian, Ms Barghouti said: ‘Yesterday was a victory. For freedom fighters to break out of a 15-year blockade so successfully under the inhuman genocide of Israel was so beautiful and inspiring to see. 

‘It shows the world that we will always fight and always resist and we need to celebrate these acts of resistance because this was a success. Revolutionary violence initiated by Palestinians is not terrorism – it is self-defence…’ 

Her words were greeted by applause and several cheers. 

Today, a University of Sussex spokesperson told MailOnline: ‘We have received a complaint about a Sussex student expressing views on the recent attacks by Hamas in Israel. The University is currently seeking to establish the facts, and, if necessary, will take action in line with our policies and the law.’ 

Hanin Barghouti – Women Students’ Officer at the University of Sussex students’ union – called Hamas attacks ‘inspiring’ and ‘beautiful’ 

Ms Barghouti made the sickening comments at a protest in Brighton yesterday 

Today, a University of Sussex spokesperson said: ‘We have received a complaint about a Sussex student expressing views on the recent attacks by Hamas in Israel’ 

Security is currently being ramped up across the UK amid fears spiralling violence in the Middle East will fuel a rise in antisemitic hate crime

‘Free Palestine‘ was seen daubed onto bridges this morning in Golders Green – home to London‘s largest Jewish community. A local Kosher restaurant had its windows smashed overnight, but the Met Police is treating this as a burglary rather than a hate crime. 

Patrols have been increased in London after Hamas began a wave of cross-border terrorist attacks and kidnappings in Israel on Saturday. 

Home Secretary Suella Braverman has called for police to ‘use the full force of the law’ against displays of support for Hamas, which is a proscribed terror group. 

Despite her intervention, there have been visible displays of support for Hamas terrorists in parts of Britain.

Rivkah Brown, commissioning editor at Novara Media, wrote on X to call the first day of the bloody rampage ‘a day of celebration’.  

She said on Saturday: ‘Today should be a day of celebration for supporters of democracy and human rights worldwide, as Gazans break out of their open-air prison and Hamas fighters cross into their colonisers’ territory. 

‘The struggle for freedom is rarely bloodless and we shouldn’t apologise for it.’

That same day 60 Israelis were kidnapped, including children, mothers and old women.  

‘Free Palestine ‘ was seen daubed onto bridges this morning in Golders Green – home to London ‘s largest Jewish community

Graffiti on a railway bridge this morning next to Golders Green Underground station 

Buses pass more pro-Palestine graffiti in Golders Green today 

Palestine societies at the University of Warwick, University College London and the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) have expressed praise on social media following the terrorist incursions. 

Screenshots of posts from their respective Instagram accounts have described the scenes as a ‘heroic fight’ by ‘the martyrs’ against ‘fascist and criminal settlers’, the Telegraph reported. 

The Union of Jewish Students (UJS) has called for university and students’ union bosses to ‘take harsh action against this despicable celebration of violence’.

Politicians across the world have condemned the Hamas invasion, including Muslim leaders, but there have been cheers and triumphant flag waving in some parts of Britain. 

Yesterday, a Palestinian woman told a rally in Brighton the terrorist atrocities were ‘inspiring’, ‘beautiful’ and a ‘success’, while on Saturday horns blared in celebration in parts of London. 

Rachel Riley, the Countdown presenter who is Jewish, posted a video on her X account, which showed a number of people celebrating the Hamas atrocity outside a café in Acton, West London.

She tweeted: ‘People have been brutally murdered and kidnapped and there are people in London dancing.’

Groups gathered to celebrate the atrocities in parts of London on Saturday night by waving Palestinian flags and sounding car horns. 

So far, 700 Israelis have died in the violence while more than 100 have been kidnapped. 

Israel has responded with a wave of air strikes in Gaza in preparation for a major ground offensive, with officials reporting at least 413 Palestinian deaths.

Antisemitism charity the Community Security Trust (CST) said it expected to see an increase in hate crimes against Jews. 

A local Kosher restaurant had its windows smashed over night, but the Met Police is treating this as a burglary rather than a hate crime 

People celebrating the Hamas atrocity in Israel outside a café in Acton, West London yesterday

There are fears tension could increase today with Pro-Palestine protests planned in several cities, including London and Newcastle. 

Scotland Yard said the force had been made aware of a number of incidents in the capital in connection with the conflict in Israel, with protests also planned in the coming days.

A spokesman added: ‘We are aware of a number of incidents, including those that have been shared on social media, in relation to the ongoing conflict in Israel and the border with Gaza.

‘The Met has increased policing patrols across parts of London in order to provide a visible presence and reassurance to our communities.

‘We remain in contact with partners and community leaders to listen to any concerns.

‘Anyone who experiences threatening behaviour or is worried about their safety is urged to contact police.’

A source at the Israeli embassy in Kensington, west London, said there was a great deal of concern about violent clashes and vandalism at a protest and counter-protest planned this evening.

The Met Police has confirmed that officers will step up patrols in London amid fears of antisemitic attacks and protests

Rivkah Brown, commissioning editor at Novara Media, wrote on X to call the first day of the bloody rampage ‘a day of celebration’

The vile tweet praising the murderous attack was shared on X on Saturday 

‘It is going to be big, I think and there will be Israelis protesting too on High Street Kensington,’ they added.

‘We also this morning saw people smashing up Israeli-owned shops, cafes and businesses in north London.

‘It is so sad to see – I don’t know who feels as if not enough damage has been caused in Israel that they have to cause more destruction in London.

‘The attacks are the biggest we have seen – it is our 9/11.

‘It is going to take a long time to bring back peace and security in Israel and among the community across Britain.’

Ms Braverman said she had spoken to the Community Security Trust (CST) to ensure that the ‘the government is doing everything necessary for the protection of our Jewish communities.’

‘There must be zero tolerance for antisemitism or glorification of terrorism on the streets of Britain,’ she said. 

‘I expect the police to use the full force of the law against displays of support for Hamas, other proscribed terrorist groups or attempts to intimidate British Jews.’ 

Home Secretary Suella Braverman (pictured) has called for police to ‘use the full force of the law’ against displays of support for Hamas, which is a proscribed terror group

Ms Braverman posted on X this morning to say the government was doing ‘everything necessary’ to protect Jewish communities

Meanwhile, the murders were applauded at a left wing event, called The World Transforms, on the sidelines of the Labour conference yesterday.

Clapping for the bloody violence broke out amongst audience members at a meeting to mark 75 years since the Nakba or ‘catastrophe’ that led to the creation of the Jewish state.

Yasmin Elsouda, an activist and member of the Palestinian Youth Movement, told the audience: ‘I’m honoured to be speaking at such an historic moment, certainly in my lifetime, in our struggle…’

The event is not officially linked to Labour but was created while Jeremy Corbyn was the party leader. 

On Saturday, Countdown presenter Rachel Riley shared footage on social media showing two cars flying Palestinian flags in Acton.

Riley’s post on X had said: ‘Acton, half an hour ago. Popped into a cafe for some baklava with the kids and our Ukrainian friends.

‘People have been brutally murdered, kidnapped and there are people in London dancing. Just had a reassuring call with the police, if anyone is scared, please call them.’

Mr Jenrick shared Riley’s post and said: ‘These disgusting people are glorifying the terrorist activities of Hamas, a proscribed organisation. There is no place for this in the UK.’

Shadow policing minister Mr Philp later condemned remarks made by Dana Abuqamar, president of Manchester Friends of Palestine, in which she said she was ‘full of pride’ and ‘joy’ at the events.

Speaking to Sky News at a pro-Hamas event in Manchester, she said: ‘We are full of pride. We are really, really full of joy (at) what has happened…. We are proud that Palestinian resistance has come to this point.’

In a post sharing her quotes on X, formerly Twitter, Mr Philp wrote: ‘This is sick. I’m appalled that anyone holds these repugnant views.’

The Met Police said on Sunday afternoon no arrests had been made, but officers attended ‘a small number of low-level public order incidents in different parts of London’.

Israeli police officers evacuate a family from a site hit by a rocket fired from the Gaza Strip on Saturday 

Hamas militants began their attack early on Saturday and appeared to take the Israelis completely by surprise. Pictured is a grieving woman in the southern Israeli city of Sderot

Israel has now hit Gaza with retaliatory air strikes. A paramedic holds a little girl crying after being pulled from the scene of the bombing Gaza on Monday 

Prominent barrister Charlotte Proudman also posted a video of a car with Palestinian flags sounding its horn.

She wrote: ‘Celebrating the murders and kidnapping of Israelis is quite possibly the most heinous act of public hate I have seen on the streets of London.’

Deputy Assistant Commissioner Andy Valentine, in charge of policing London on Sunday, said: ‘We are aware that this conflict has a far-reaching impact on communities around the world, and we extend our full support to those affected in London.

‘We are listening and working with communities and partners to ensure people feel safe and protected. We ask that members of the public report anything concerning, such as threatening behaviour.

‘We are aware that a number of demonstrations and protests are planned. We have spoken to the organisers and we expect these will pass off peacefully. However, we will take a zero tolerance approach to any activity which crosses the lines into criminality.’

Dave Rich, director of policy at CST, said: ‘Experience tells us that as conflicts in Israel and Gaza escalate, we will see a spike in antisemitic hate crimes in Britain.

‘Our advice to the Jewish community is to report any examples of antisemitism or suspicious behaviour around Jewish buildings to the police immediately and then to CST.’

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has condemned the attack on Israel as ‘an appalling act of terror’ and offered his support to Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu.

A group called the Palestine Solidarity Campaign has called for people to attend an ’emergency’ demonstration on Monday outside the Israeli embassy.

Jo Grose, Chief Executive of the United Synagogue, said: ‘Whenever there is violence in the Middle East, we see ramifications on the streets of London and Manchester as British Jews – who don’t vote for Israeli governments – are singled out by racists for antisemitic attacks. 

‘That British Jews, still reeling from the news more than 700 people were murdered in cold blood, should then find a kosher restaurant destroyed and antisemitic graffiti daubed on walls, is intolerable.

‘We thank the police for the support they show the British Jewish community and hope that perpetrators will be brought to justice.’

MailOnline has contacted the Palestine Solidarity Campaign for comment.  

Content source – www.soundhealthandlastingwealth.com

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