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The chairman of the  Police Federation has described a recent promise from police chiefs to investigate every single crime as unfeasible – and said the investigation of every crime ‘is not working’.

Steve Hartshorn, a Metropolitan Police officer who has served in armed response, revealed that he was given nothing more than a crime number from his own colleagues after his own car was broken into.

Mr Hartshorn, whose organisation represents 145,000 police officers in England and Wales, responded to an address made by Home Secretary Suella Braverman at the Police Federation’s annual conference, The Times reports.

Ms Braverman told delegates at the virtual conference that the public ‘expects more than a crime number’.

She added that officers need to investigate every crime where there is a reasonable line of inquiry – only to then hear how the leader of the organisation was let down by his own force when his car was broken into.

Steve Hartshorn, chair of the Police Federation of England and Wales, said he had been ‘disappointed’ in his own force’s response after he became a victim of crime

Suella Braverman told the Police Federation conference that officers should be investigating all crimes where there are ‘reasonably lines of inquiry’

Mr Hartshorn said: ‘I was a victim of crime a month ago in my own force, the Metropolitan Police service and they didn’t follow reasonable lines of inquiry. There was a great chance to capture forensics from inside the car — didn’t happen. 

‘I got a crime number. I apparently had a phone call and that was it — nothing. Disappointed in my own force. 

‘Forgive me, home secretary; while it’s a great standard, it’s not being done. Cops don’t have the time.’

He told the annual Police Federation conference that forensic officers missed a ‘great chance’ to take samples – blaming a lack of resources.

Mrs Braverman told the conference that the public ‘want to see officers patrolling the streets, not policing pronouns on Twitter.’

‘They want to see police taking visible action in communities and thoroughly investigating crime,’ she said.

But Mr Hartshorn, who represents 145,000 rank and file officers in England and Wales, said he got nothing but a crime reference number when he fell victim to a crime.

The Met firearms officer revealed his own colleagues failed to investigate when his car was broken into.

‘It’s a great idea to follow all reasonable lines of inquiry, but it’s not working,’ he told the conference.

Braverman was also asked whether officers received a fair wage, months after the government accepted the findings of the independent pay review body for a 7 per cent pay rise. 

Questioned over whether this was enough, Braverman states it was a ‘large’ rise. 

She said: ‘I believe it does reflect the commitment, hard work and economic climate within which we are working. It was something we did as a government to reflect our gratitude and appreciation for what officers on the front line do.’ 

Home Secretary @SuellaBraverman: “It was right for bureaucratic reasons and in the cause of free speech to ensure that a malicious communication crime will be recorded only if a criminal threshold has been reached, not just when someone claims to be offended.”#PFEW23 pic.twitter.com/j0luGkehfN

— Police Federation (@PFEW_HQ) October 11, 2023

Mr Hartshorn said the pay award was ten per cent less than desired, but acknowledged it was ‘a step in the right direction’. 

At the end of the conference, the federation revealed rank-and-file officers would be asked to vote on whether the should seek industrial rights such as the right to strike. Officers status as crown servants rather than employees currently prevents them from taking industrial action. 

The Federation stated: “This decision follows more than a decade of requesting the government to address police officers’ poor working terms and conditions.

‘[It is] simply responding to its members’ very legitimate expectations and aspirations.’

Earlier, Mrs Braverman told officers not to be distracted by woke issues.

She said: ‘It was right for bureaucratic reasons – and in the cause of free speech – to ensure that a malicious communication crime will be recorded only if a criminal threshold has clearly been reached and not just when someone claims to be offended.

‘I’m not fighting my campaign against political correctness in policing only for the sake of the law-abiding majority who want to see officers patrolling the streets, not policing pronouns on Twitter. I also know that’s what the majority of you signed up for, too.’

Content source – www.soundhealthandlastingwealth.com

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