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In response to Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) potentially forcing a speaker vote on the House floor, anti-Jordan votes threatened to not show up and let Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) win the election.

This is how toxic things have become on the Republican side of the House:

“What happens when Jordan forces us to the floor to try to pressure us and all of a sudden we don’t show up and Hakeem Jeffries is speaker cause he wanted to be a bully ?” one upset House Republican just texted me.

— Olivia Beavers (@Olivia_Beavers) October 13, 2023

What happens if five or more anti-Jordan voters were busy at home washing their hair when the vote for speaker was held?

Democrats would outnumber Republicans and Jeffries would be elected. It is not likely that Republicans wouldn’t show up, but the fact that they are floating the idea demonstrates how toxic the situation has become in the Republican caucus.

There are some House Republicans who don’t want to be pushed into voting for Jordan, and if they are pushed, they could lash out in ways that Republicans aren’t prepared for.

Things have gotten even uglier for House Republicans and the warning is clear that there is a faction who does want Jim Jordan to be Speaker of the House.

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