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Megyn Kelly has slammed progressive members of Congress who blamed Israel for last weekend’s terror attacks by Hamas that has led to the death of  at least 1,300 Israelis.

Kelly specifically called out Reps. Rashida Tlaib and Cori Bush, describing their response as ‘inhumane’ after both released statements referring to Israel as an ‘apartheid’ state and calling for an end to the ‘military occupation’ of Gaza.

‘I want you to think about the 12-year-old who said, ‘I’m too young to go,’ and hasn’t been heard from since, okay? Because their response has been utterly inhumane, as inhumane you could argue, as the terrorists who grabbed those children to begin with,’ Kelly suggested. 

There are ‘raging anti-Semites in the halls of Congress’ Kelly went on.

‘Rashida Tlaib of course, predictably, she’s the only Palestinian American a member of Congress, tweeting out finally – she went silent and then finally tweeted … 100% she blames Israel,’ said Kelly.

Rep. Cori Bush, said Kelly, is directing her ‘never ending life of grievance’ at Israel.

Palestinians flee from northern Gaza to the south after the Israeli army issued an unprecedented evacuation warning to a population of over one million people in northern Gaza and Gaza City to seek refuge in the south ahead of a possible Israeli ground invasion

Smoke rises from Gaza following a retaliatory Israeli airstrike earlier this week

‘You’ve got Cori Bush, who, as far as I can tell, has done absolutely nothing in her life other than protest … she became a star and has been pushing to defund the police all along and now she wants to take it out on the innocent Israelis too.

‘The reaction from the established left has been absolutely disgusting,’ Kelly said.

Kelly said that even in the wake of the horrors experienced by the victims and their families, Congressional leftists who hate Israel should have had better sense than to point blame at Israelis while the ashes are still cooling.

‘There are literally parents desperately searching for their babies right now. We saw the murders in the streets with our own eyes … A bus stop full of elderly women, dead, murdered, toppled…Who would murder a baby? An elderly person? ‘

‘Evil. Just absolute evil. And all they want to do is say ‘Well, they’re [Israel] evil too,” Kelly said.

You got some raging anti-Semites in the halls of Congress. Thanks a lot, Minnesota. Thanks a lot, Missouri. Thanks a lot, The Bronx, where AOC reportedly came from,’ she added. 

‘They’re open about it, they’re not even trying to hide it, and they’re the reason why a lot of this money does get funneled over there. They really see Israel as the aggressor.’ 

On Friday sickening footage released by Hamas today allegedly shows the terrorists holding Israeli toddlers and children during the Saturday’s shocking massacre. 

The video shows Hamas members holding the youngsters as they sit around a table. One is seen rocking a pram as an infant cries. Others are carrying the distressed children, rocking them and patting their backs. 

The footage was recorded during as Hamas gunmen carried out their mass infiltration of Israel last Saturday, according to Israeli newspaper The Jerusalem Post.

The group took an estimated 150 Israeli, foreign and dual national hostages back to Gaza during its initial attack. Hamas said on Friday that 13 of them had been killed in Israeli air strikes.

Some of the innocent children believed to be in the hands of attackers hands are as young as 9 months old. 

Little Ariel, three, and Kfir who is just nine months old were  abducted by Hamas from their kibbutz in southern Israel on Saturday. 

Sisters five-year-old Raz and three-year-old Aviv Asher were kidnapped together with their mother Doron Asher Katz, and grandmother.

The girls had been visiting their grandmother’s village in southern Israel when Hamas pounced.

‘I can’t sleep — I’m living outside my own body,’ Yoni Asher told the New York Times.

‘I have two little babies, two little girls. These little babies should not be held or kept by terrorists.’

Mother of two boys aged 12 and 16, Renana Gomeh, explained how her children were in a safe room when Hamas  took hostages. 

‘I was on the phone with my youngest, I wasn’t at home at the time and all I could hear was him begging for them not to take him because he is too young,’ she told MSNBC. ‘They were taken out of their beds by terrorists who broke into my house. They broke the door and took them.’

Ariel, 3, and 9-month-old Kfir were abducted alongside their parents, the family said

Raz, age 5, and Aviv, age 3, were kidnapped by Hamas with their mother and grandmother, their heartbroken father said

Photographs of some of the British Israelis who have been captured by Hamas on display

Israeli mother Renana Gomeh’s  two sons aged 12 and 16 were kidnapped from their beds by Hamas terrorists

A baby’s seat and child’s dress is seen covered in blood in the aftermath of a Hamas attack 

Speaking with staunchly conservative Texas Senator Ted Cruz who appeared as a guest on her show, agreed, saying that ‘in today’s Democrat party, anti-semitism has been normalized.’

‘These radical leftists, they loathe the State of Israel … You’ll remember a few years ago when the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi tried to pass a resolution condemning anti-semitism. And it turned out she couldn’t get her conference to agree. The Democrats could not come together and clearly condemn anti-semitism,’ he said.

Following the attacks that saw 2,000 rockets fired into Israeli cities on Saturday, Hamas terrorists carried out a ground attack that involved the kidnapping, torture and murder of hundreds of women, children and the elderly by militant Palestinian terrorists.

The surprise attack came just one day after the 50th anniversary of the beginning of the Yom Kippur War, which saw Israel battle existential threats from hostile neighbors led by Egypt and Syria. 

Bush and Tlaib, two hyper-progressive members of the Democratic Congressional Caucus, released statements over the weekend condemning Israel as an ‘apartheid’ state, and pointing blame for the Hamas terror attacks away from Palestinians

Rep. Cori Bush of Missouri said the ‘leveling’ of Gaza would be a ‘crime against humanity’

In a series of posts on X, Omar called out the Israeli response to the attack 

Omar called for ‘international’ protections in Gaza after the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas launched surprise multi-front attacks in Israel on Saturday

The aftermath of a large explosion in Gaza, as Israel ramps up its war effort following attacks that have left more than 1,300 Israelis dead

I grieve the Palestinian and Israeli lives lost yesterday, today, and every day. I am determined as ever to fight for a just future where everyone can live in peace, without fear and with true freedom, equal rights, and human dignity,’ Tlaib wrote in her statement.

‘The path to that future must include lifting the blockade, ending the occupation, and dismantling the apartheid system that creates the suffocating, dehumanizing conditions that can lead to resistance.’

Tlaib called Israel an ‘apartheid’ state and criticized the United States for providing ‘billions in unconditional funding to support the apartheid government.’

While that support continues, she wrote, ‘this heartbreaking cycle of violence will continue,’ blaming both the United States and Israel for the actions of Hamas that have left 900 Israelis and counting dead and thousands more injured and missing.

‘The failure to recognize the violent reality of living under siege, occupation, and apartheid makes no one safer. No person, no child anywhere should have to suffer or live in fear of violence. We cannot ignore the humanity in each other,’ she added. 

Tlaib has, throughout her time in public office, made controversial remarks about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. She has previously condemned Israel’s policies about settlements in the West Bank and around the Gaza Strip.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called for an ‘immediate ceasefire and de-escalation’ after Hamas attacked Israel on Saturday

Rep. Ilhan Omar said ‘violence will only repeat the back and forth’ and has called for Israel to stand down

Fellow member Rep. Cori Bush of Missouri boycotted Israeli President Isaac Herzog’s joint address to Congress over the summer, and issued a statement on Saturday prompting the US to end its support for ‘Israeli military occupation and apartheid.’

Minnesota Representative Ilhan Omar, another Squad member and along with Tlaib one of the first Muslim women to be elected to Congress, also identified Hamas in her condemnation of the violence in Israel.

‘I condemn the horrific acts we are seeing unfold today in Israel against children, women, the elderly, and the unarmed people who are being slaughtered and taken hostage by Hamas.’

‘Such senseless violence will only repeat the back and forth cycle we’ve seen,’ she wrote.

She expressed compassion for the people in the Palestinian enclave of the Gaza Strip. 

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‘Reminder, Gaza doesn’t have shelters or an iron dome and to please pray for them,’ the progressive lawmaker wrote on X. 

‘May peace prevail in the region and move us towards a moral awakening to care about the human suffering we are seeing. Palestinians are human beings who have been in besieged and are deserving of protection from the international community,’ Omar wrote.

Some were moved to remind Omar that Hamas, the democratically elected leaders of Gaza, should have considered spending government funding on shelters instead of rockets used to attack Israel.

Other Squad members, including Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, also called for an ‘immediate ceasefire and de-escalation’ in the region.

‘I condemn Hamas’ attack in the strongest possible terms. No child and family should ever endure this kind of violence and fear, and this violence will not solve the ongoing oppression and occupation in the region,’ wrote AOC.

Other Squad members, including Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, have called for an ‘immediate ceasefire and de-escalation’ in the region 

Israeli forces extracting dead bodies of Israeli residents from a destroyed house as fighting between Israeli troops and Islamist Hamas militants continues

Cars and a stroller left behind at the scene of a rocket attack from Gaza on the weekend are pictured on a main road near the entrance of the Israeli kibbutz of Kfar Aza

On Friday, Ocasio-Cortez assailed Israel over its Gaza evacuation order as ‘unacceptable,’ saying on X: ‘We must halt this.’ 

Democrats have for years grappled with tensions between pro-Israel moderates and a faction of progressives critical of Israel, especially for its treatment of the Palestinians and expansion of Jewish settlements.

This year’s push by Netanyahu’s far-right government for a judicial overhaul opened Israel up to fresh criticism, with the White House and many lawmakers echoing Israeli protesters who called the proposed moves undemocratic.

Though polls continue to show overwhelming sympathy for Israel among the overall U.S. public, a Gallup survey in March found that Democrats were slightly more favorable toward the Palestinians than Israel.

Biden, an avowed lifelong friend of Israel, has pledged to provide Israel with all the assistance it needs.

He has so far refrained from any explicit call for Israel to curb its response, the kind of statements that White Houses have typically made during previous crises.

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken edged the closest to such an appeal during a visit to Israel on Thursday when he said he hoped Israel, as a democracy, would ‘take every possible precaution to avoid harming civilians.’

Israeli officials insist their forces try to minimize civilian casualties.

A White House official said Biden’s aides have privately discussed their concerns with Israeli counterparts. ‘We also recognize that they are being aggressive and in these early hours they need to be aggressive,’ the official said.

Since Saturday’s attack, Israel has put Gaza, home to 2.3 million people, under total siege and launched a powerful bombing campaign that has destroyed entire neighborhoods.

Biden, after keeping the intractable Israeli-Palestinian conflict at arm’s length, now finds himself thrust into the middle of a major Middle East conflagration.

Content source – www.soundhealthandlastingwealth.com

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