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BBC cameraman Hamza Yassin has claimed wildlife TV documentary scenes are often faked to make viewers feel more ’emotional’ about threats to the natural world.

The Strictly Come Dancing winner said dramatic moments are invented and scenes manipulated to encourage viewers to ‘do something’ about environmental issues.

But the revelation is far from the first time the corporation has been under the spotlight for making up or doctoring scenes in nature documentaries.

The BBC has faced a series of fakery rows over the past few decades – with the most famous in 2011 when it was revealed scenes in Frozen Planet which apparently showed a polar bear giving birth in the wild were actually shot in a Dutch zoo.

It also recreates sound effects in its wildlife shows in a studio, but has insisted that this is an industry-wide practice and is because animal sounds would otherwise be difficult for viewers to hear above the rest of the ambient noise in a landscape.

Dramatic footage of a polar bear tending her newborn cubs in Frozen Planet was filmed in a Dutch zoo using fake snow. The footage in 2011 was filmed in a den made of plaster and wood

Footage apparently showing a single volcanic eruption in the 2015 BBC programme Patagonia was in fact made by splicing footage of two different volcanic eruptions together

The polar bear scene from 2011 was in episode five of the BBC’s £16million Frozen Planet series which featured tiny polar bears mewling and nuzzling for milk from their mother.

From polar bears to wild eagles: BBC fakery rows over the years

Serengeti: A scene showing a baby zebra struggling through crocodile-infested waters in 2019 was in fact a ‘composite’ of multiple clips edited together.

Blue Planet II: Producers recreated a rock pool and the burrow of a zebra mantis shrimp for close-up shots in 2017. The underwater sound effects were also criticised by viewers as ‘ridiculous’, ‘awful’ and ‘nonsensical’.

Planet Earth II: Footage of a wild golden eagle’s view of a mountainous habitat in 2016 was actually filmed using a captive bird that lives in a wildlife sanctuary in France.

Patagonia: Footage apparently showing a single volcanic eruption in the 2015 programme was in fact made by splicing footage of two different volcanic eruptions together, one which happened in 2011 and the other in 2015.

Human Planet: The episode Deserts – Life in the Furnace in 2014 was exposed when a seemingly savage wolf was revealed to actually be semi-domesticated.

Frozen Planet : Dramatic footage of a polar bear tending her newborn cubs in the show was filmed in a Dutch zoo using fake snow. The footage in 2011 was filmed in a den made of plaster and wood in a wildlife enclosure.

Panorama : The BBC apologised in 2011 after it was found ‘likely’ that Panorama had faked scenes of boys said to be working in an Indian sweatshop.

The Liz Kershaw Show : BBC 6 Music was found in 2008 to have repeatedly faked competitions where no prizes existed and that callers had been the producers or their friends.

Blue Peter: The BBC was fined £50,000 in 2007 after a young studio guest posed as a caller when the phone system failed during a phone-in.

A Year With The Queen : The BBC apologised to the Queen in 2007 after a trailer wrongly implied that she had stormed out of a sitting with photographer Annie Leibovitz.

Children in Need : A fictitious winner’s details were broadcast during Children in Need on BBC1 Scotland in November 2005 after no calls came through from the public.

Blue Planet: A lobster spawning scene was filmed in a British aquarium in 2001, but viewers were led to believe it was taking place off the coast of Nova Scotia.

Polar Bear – Arctic Warrior: A mother bear was filmed giving birth to and snuggling with her newborn cub in the 1997 programme. Viewers were led to believe the scene took place in the Arctic – but it was in fact was filmed in a zoo in Frankfurt.


Eight million viewers believed that the scenes were shot by cameramen who had endured sub-zero temperatures in an underground cave in the arctic wilderness.

The scenes, however, had been shot in a mocked up cave made of plaster and wood and in a zoo enclosure in Holland using fake snow.

The footage was defended at the time by presenter Sir David, who compared nature documentaries to ‘making movies’.

But the following year, when the Africa documentary series came out, the BBC made it clearer when footage had not been filmed in the wild with warnings that ‘controlled filming’ had been used.

While the polar bear footage was the most famous incident of its kind, it was far from the first time that BBC shows had been the target of fakery accusations.

In 1997, in the most memorable scene of Polar Bear – Arctic Warrior saw a mother bear was filmed giving birth to and snuggling with her newborn cub.

Viewers were led to believe the scene took place in the Arctic. In fact, it was filmed in a zoo in Frankfurt.

And in 2001, Sir David was accused of using deceptive techniques in Blue Planet when it included a lobster spawning scene that was filmed in a British aquarium.

Viewers were led to believe the scene was taking place off the coast of Nova Scotia.

Also in 2008, Sir David was accused of staging a confrontation between himself and a cobra in a South African desert for the series, Life in Cold Blood.

More recently in August 2019, the Serengeti series featured a scene showing a baby zebra struggling through crocodile-infested waters – which the Sunday Times revealed was in fact a ‘composite’ of multiple clips edited together.

Shown in episode four, ‘Misfortune’, the young Zebra was seen desperately swimming through a rushing river right next to a large crocodile.

It struggled to keep up with its group and, in a second scene, was swept away by the raging current.

Cameraman Doug Allan revealed at the time that the zebra was real and ‘did really get carried down the stream’.

But he added: ‘Whether the zebra was in that particular bit of water as seen on screen, who knows. They could be in different places at different times.’

Mr Allan also revealed in 2013 that many wildlife scenes in BBC series are faked, saying that species ‘smaller than a baby rabbit’ are put in custom-built sets and filmed under controlled conditions, rather than in the wild.

In October 2017, it was revealed that Blue Planet II viewers would not be told which scenes were filmed in laboratories rather than the wild.

Sir David’s programme included close-up lab footage of corals bleaching, which could only be filmed with lights and specialist cameras.

Producers for the show also recreated a rock pool and the burrow of a zebra mantis shrimp for close-up shots.

And a terrifying-looking fangtooth was filmed in a special chamber on a ship after samples were taken from the deep ocean, according to The Guardian.

Footage of a wild golden eagle’s view of a mountainous habitat for Planet Earth II in 2016 was actually filmed using a captive bird that lives in a wildlife sanctuary in France

A scene showing a baby zebra struggling through crocodile-infested waters in the 2019 BBC programme Serengeti was in fact a ‘composite’ of multiple clips edited together

But the source of the footage was not made clear to viewers during the show, with executive producer James Honeyborne saying at the time: ‘You can’t just break the spell.’

How Hamza Yassin went from wildlife cameraman to Strictly Come Dancing winner

Hamza Yassin is a presenter, wildlife photographer and cameraman. 

He has presented on a number of BBC shows including Countryfile and Animal Park. 

Hamza’s first appearance as a presenter for the broadcaster came when he worked as a wildlife cameraman on The One Show. 

Hamza has previously worked for BBC rival ITV when he shared his knowledge of film-making on This Morning. 

As a cameraman, Hamza has filmed for documentary series’ including the BBC’s Springwatch, The Hunt and Sky series Predators. 

He has a Master’s degree in Biological Imaging and Photography with Merit, as well as a Bachelor of Science in Zoology with Conservation. 

Last year, Hamza swapped his camera for a pair of dancing shoes as a contestant on BBC1’s Strictly Come Dancing. He made his way to the final and ended up lifting the glitterball trophy with his professional partner Jowita Przystal. 


He also insisted at the time that underwater sound effects – which had been criticised by viewers for beibng ‘ridiculous’, ‘awful’ and ‘nonsensical’ – were ‘representative’ of nature.

Mr Honeyborne said the production team worked extremely hard on audio quality after facing trouble because sound travels much faster in water than in air.

His comments came after some viewers claimed the BBC was exaggerating sound effects – including a tuskfish hitting a clam against coral – on the programme.

The previous year in November 2016, the BBC revealed that breathtaking Planet Earth II footage that appeared to show a wild golden eagle’s view of a mountainous habitat was actually filmed using a captive bird that lives in a wildlife sanctuary in France.

The tame eagle, known as Slovak, was filmed swooping over the Alps at speeds of up to 200mph – taking viewers with it via a ‘lipstick’ camera strapped to its back.

In a video on its website, the BBC confirmed that Slovak, who resides at the Park les Aigles du Léman, was turned into a cameraman using his professional bird trainer.

In 2015, it emerged that a volcanic eruption scene in another BBC show, Patagonia: Earth’s Secret Paradise, had also been doctored.

Impressive footage claimed to show a ‘dirty thunderstorm’ during the eruption, with lightning strikes flashing through a cloud of volcanic ash.

But it was in fact made by splicing footage of two different volcanic eruptions together, one which happened in 2011 and the other in 2015.

Another BBC documentary: Human Planet: Deserts – Life in the Furnace, aired in August 2014, was also exposed for misleading viewers, when a seemingly savage wolf was revealed to actually be semi-domesticated.

Staff at the corporation were subsequently forced to undergo an ‘anti-fakery’ course afterwards.

Last week Yassin, 33, who has been touted as the next Sir David Attenborough, said producers often edit footage in way that will ‘make a film that tugs on your heartstrings’.

Hamza Yassin has presented on a number of BBC shows including Countryfile and Animal Park

Hamza Yassin attends the BBC’s Planet Earth III launch at Frameless in London on October 12

Jowita Przystal and Hamza Yassin at the Strictly Come Dancing 2023 launch on September 16

He told the Cheltenham Literature Festival that documentary makers ‘dramatise what we’re seeing’ and also sometimes pretend parts of the world remain pristine.

According to the Sunday Telegraph, Yassin said: ‘Now, spoiler, we’re trying to make a film that tugs on your heartstrings so that you guys get emotional about it and then you hopefully do something about it.

‘The amount of times we’ll film a cheetah family, and she’s got three babies, and we just zoom in slightly and crop out the last baby. And the story goes, ‘The mother has lost her baby?’

‘Then you bring in a lion from somewhere else, something else, and the lion goes, ‘Grrr’, and you think, ‘Oh, the lion’s killed the baby!’

‘And then five minutes of drama, then we just zoom back out again and then you say, ‘Ah, it’s all a happy story.’ No. That didn’t happen.

‘Sorry to ruin it for you guys but we are dramatising what we’re seeing.’

Yassin, who was born in Sudan but moved to the UK as a child, has worked on programmes such as Animal Park and Countryfile – and more recently his Strictly: Birds of Prey documentary last month.

The third series of the BBC’s hit Planet Earth documentary starts this Sunday.

Content source – www.soundhealthandlastingwealth.com

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