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A woman who lives paycheck-to-paycheck was conned into paying for a colleague’s meal – and she revealed the nasty texts she received after asking for her money back.

Lara works a minimum wage job and rarely eats out, but she decided to treat herself and have a nice meal with a colleague one night.

The other woman ‘forgot’ her wallet and insisted Lara pay for her but promised to reimburse her for the appetisers, main, drinks, and dessert she ordered.

But three weeks later Lara’s colleague called her a ‘stalker’ who was ‘p*ssing her off’ by constantly demanding to be paid back.

Lara struggles to make ends meet on a weekly basis while her colleague was out at fancy restaurants and on weekend trips.

A woman who lives paycheck-to-paycheck was conned into paying for a colleague’s meal – and she revealed the nasty texts she received after asking for her money back

Lara shared her story on Reddit along with the screenshots.

‘A few weeks ago I decided to grab some dinner with a coworker. I rarely, if ever, go out to eat as its so expensive but I decided to treat myself one night.

‘My coworker ordered appetisers for herself, multiple drinks, a large dinner, and even dessert.’

The dinner was going well but it all came to a head when it was time to pay for the meal. 

‘We were going to just pay for our food, but she conveniently forgot her wallet and just sat there staring at me. I’m an awkward person and I didn’t want to cover her food because it was more than I could afford.

‘But it was such a weird situation and she promised to pay me back, so to end the evening I covered her bill expecting to get reimbursed.’

Lara claimed that her coworker was always going out to fancy restaurants and on weekend trips, but had an ‘excuse’ when asked to pay her back.

‘I barely make a livable wage and being in the red because of her has caused me so much anxiety, I feel like such an idiot,’ Lara said.

The messages showed the colleague claim she will transfer the money ‘next week’ when she gets paid.

‘Sh*t has been crazy recently and I have other sh*t that takes priority that I need to focus my money on,’ the colleague said.

‘I already told you I will pay you back, this is p*ssing me off. I’m done talking to you.’

Lara claimed that her coworker was always going out to fancy restaurants and on weekend trips, but had an ‘excuse’ when asked to pay her back

Thousands were outraged on Lara’s behalf and slammed her colleague for lying.

‘She had zero intention of ever paying you back when she borrowed the money in the first place. Her responses prove that she’s an entitled brat,’ one said.

‘I bet she does that every time she goes out with someone. That’s probably how she’s posting about these expensive restaurants,’ another guessed.

‘I know this type of person through and through. They graciously let you pay and promise to ‘pay you back’ hoping you either forget or are too anxious to pressure them about it,’ a woman wrote.

While others judged Lara for putting herself into the situation.

‘Honestly, you sound like a pushover,’ one said. ‘Your word choices weren’t direct and inferred a lot of begging.’

‘Don’t lend money you can’t afford to lose – this is a life lesson,’ another wrote.

Content source – www.soundhealthandlastingwealth.com

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