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Wild footage has emerged of a bride’s big day being delayed due to thousands of pro-Palestine protestors blocking the street in front of the reception.

The footage, taken from outside Melbourne‘s Town Hall, shows hundreds of protestors marching as the bride and her bridesmaids attempted to cross Swanston Street to reach the venue on Sunday.

The man who posted the video revealed the bride was forced to walk the rest of the way to the ceremony after her car had become stuck in traffic due to the protests. 

Around 10,000 protesters gathered on Melbourne’s streets to march from the State Library to the Victorian State Parliament.

Many of the protesters were seen carrying provocative signs and props, the most confronting was a life-like doll of a child smeared in red and covered with band-aids.

A similar protest in Sydney attracted around 6,000 demonstrators who were met by a massive police presence of about 1,000 officers. 

Footage from the interrupted wedding showed a man wearing a tux waiting on the balcony of the venue while the bride slowly crossed the road. 

Protestors politely moved out of her way with demonstrators clapping and cheering as the bridal party slowly made their way through the crowd.

Other protestors could be seen marching on past the group with signs reading ‘from the land to the sea, Palestine will be free’.

The footage was posted to TikTok, where it’s attracted more than 30,000 likes and hundreds of comments.

One commenter wrote that they would ‘feel like I was doing the walk of shame’.

‘Love how all the women in (the) protest immediately stop and move,’ another user wrote.

A third added: ‘This is beautiful.’

The light-hearted video was a departure from the more sombre and chaotic scenes that unfolded during the protest.

While the pro-Palestine protest was mostly civil, one man was caught on footage shouting ‘death to every Israeli‘ in front of young children – as bystanders appeared to laugh along with him.

The man, who was wearing a black bandana intertwined with a keffiyeh – a traditional Arabic headdress – was heard chanting ‘f*** the river, f*** the sea, death to every Israeli’.

His outburst was a sick twist on the mantra that was being chanted by his fellow demonstrators as they shouted: ‘From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free’.

Footage showed the man erupt into the shocking chant in front of children while some protestors appeared to laugh alongside him.

A bride has been delayed from her big day after thousands of pro-Palestine protestors blocked off the street in front of the reception in Melbourne on Sunday (pictured)

An man can be seen on the balcony of Melbourne Town Hall with an intense look on his face as the bride makes her way through the crowd (pictured)

Two men, also wearing keffiyehs, were seen walking over to give the man a high-five as they laughed together.

In his excitement, the man steps backwards and almost knocks over a small child – one of many in the area at the time.

While Sunday’s protest in Sydney was largely peaceful, Daily Mail Australia revealed that one man was filmed on the fringes of the rally shouting ‘Get the f****** Jews wiped out’.

When a concerned onlooker stepped in to say ‘that language is not acceptable’, the man replied: ‘I don’t care as a Muslim’.

The Australian Jewish Association claimed it had received a ‘large volume of anti-Semitic content’ from Sunday’s pro-Palestine rally in Melbourne, which started at the State Library before marching to the Victorian State Parliament.

‘The anti-Jewish hate we saw on the streets of Melbourne today should make every decent Victorian ashamed and worried,’ the association said.

Source: | This article originally belongs to Dailymail.co.uk

Content source – www.soundhealthandlastingwealth.com

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