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‘Tenant from hell’ Elizabeth Hirschhorn has won three more weeks in the luxury Los Angeles guesthouse where she has already stayed rent free for 547 days. 

But things aren’t looking so good for her after that, as the judge who allowed her to stay in the first place now says he feels he made a wrong decision.

Now Judge George Bird has set a November 6 hearing to sort out once and for all whether Hirschhorn, 55, can stay in dentist Sascha Jovanovic’s home.

Attorneys for Jovanovic, 61, who is fighting to evict the alleged ‘professional squatter’ from his $3.5million Brentwood property, filed a motion in Santa Monica court Monday to reverse Bird’s July decision. 

The request was formally denied on a legal technicality due to a California statute requiring the motion to be filed within ten days of the initial ruling. However, the judge acknowledged he may have made a mistake with his original order. 

‘This court is of the opinion that the previous ruling was erroneous,’ Judge Bird said. 

Elizabeth Hirschhorn (pictured left inside the Brentwood home) will be able to stay put at the Airbnb rental she is refusing to vacate for at least another three weeks

Owner Sascha Jovanovic told DailyMail.com he hopes the case goes to trial so he can finally get justice and ‘expose’ Hirschhorn’s alleged scam

Jovanovic’s lawyer Sebastian Rucci plans to argue that the judge would be right to reverse his ruling and send the case to trial, which – if the landlord wins – would pave the way to Hirschhorn’s eviction.

‘He wants a jury or a judge to decide this case,’ Rucci told DailyMail.com Monday.

Speaking to DailyMail.com after the hearing, Jovanovic said it was ‘hard to believe’ that the judge could not have made an immediate ruling ‘after all the evidence to go straight to trial’.

‘He wants to be “fair” to both parties,’ added Jovanovic. ‘Not sure about this liberal judging. Be fair with fair people not with crooks and manipulators.’ 

Jovanovic said his legal team will prioritize eviction at trial but they also want to prevent Hirschhorn from suing others in the future.  

‘It’s a kind of restriction that the judge can rule that she’ll only be allowed to sue if the court allows her. I’m not sure if she’ll go for trial though as her chances of winning are getting small. She might even default or disappear. All up in the air. 

‘I personally want to go to trial to tell my story and what she did to us, expose her BS and sickening behavior over the last decades.’

In his written motion asking Judge Bird to backpedal on his July ruling, Rucci noted that Hirschhorn ‘has overstayed her tenancy by 547 days and has not paid any rent for 547 days.’

Hirschhorn’s attorney Seward, challenged Rucci’s motion, saying it ‘goes against everything the American justice system stands for.’

She accused Jovanovic of ‘planting sensational, one-sided stories full of venom and lies about (Hirschhorn) in an effort to try her in the media and now attempts to come into court and prove the court made a mistake….’

Jovanovic says he approved a six-month stay for Hirschhorn from September 13, 2021 to March 19, 2022 – a total of 187 nights that she later extended to April 12, but she is yet to move out

Harvard-educated Hirschhorn has a history of filing dubious lawsuits and has been involved in multiple disputes with landlords in the past, DailyMail.com revealed. She is pictured posing with a fellow grad at her Harvard alumni reunion in 2015 

Seward called Rucci’s motion for the judge to overrule his earlier decision ‘nothing but inadmissible hearsay, inadmissible character evidence, tabloid fodder, and unsubstantiated information pulled off the internet.’

And she lashed out at Hirschhorn being dubbed a ‘professional squatter’, saying it’s ‘abhorrent and inadmissible hearsay, designed to prejudice the court against the defendant.’

Seward asked Judge Bird to deny Rucci’s motion, adding: ‘No one argues that (Jovanovic) cannot evict the defendant. It is just that he has not done it in the right way.

‘(Jovanovic) rented an illegal unit and refused to follow the rules for Los Angeles….’

Hirschhorn – who is demanding $100,000 from Jovanovic to move out – is facing further legal action from Jovanovic’s attorney, Rucci, after DailyMail.com’s revelations about earlier court cases she’s been involved in.

Her many previous legal fights, which dragged out for years, left Hirschhoorn empty-handed.

The Harvard grad – who paid $20,000 up front for a six-month stay in Jovanovic’s rental unit as an Airbnb guest in September 2021 – describes herself as a writer and film producer on her Linkedin page.

But she has barely worked since 2002 – with her IMDB page showing her last credit was a writing gig for five episodes of The Osbournes that year.

At a court hearing in July, Judge Bird dismissed Jovanovic’s request to send the case for trial and eviction proceedings, ruling that Hirschhorn had the right to be considered a tenant and had the legal right to stay on – despite Jovanovic saying she owes $60,000 in back rent for the 18-months-and-counting she has stayed since her original month tenancy expired in April last year. 

Under LA tenancy regulations, renters who have established at least six months as a tenant, are entitled to renters’ rights that protect them from eviction without being compensated.

Rucci says he believes the judge misinterpreted the tenancy law and that’s why he filed his motion this week for the judge to reverse his earlier ruling.

At a court hearing in July, Judge Bird dismissed Jovanovic’s request to send the case for trial and eviction proceedings, ruling that Hirschhorn had the right to be considered a tenant and had the legal right to stay on

Hirschhorn booked Jovanovic’s property (seen in an Airbnb listing) in September 2021, paying the host $20,000 up front for her six-month rental that she has long overstayed 

The attorney is also looking at bringing a new case against her under civil racketeering laws due to her litigious past and previous tenancy dispute.

Hirschhorn’s legal team say their client should be allowed to stay due to Jovanovic’s failure to get a certificate of occupancy for his rental unit nor a permit for a shower in the guesthouse which he has retrospectively applied for but cannot complete without getting access to the property – which Hirschhorn has denied him.

According to her San Diego attorney Colin Walshok, that makes the guesthouse a ‘bootleg’ illegal rental property – which lets Hirschhorn off the hook for $60,000 in back rent and also puts her in line to be reimbursed for the $20,000 of six-months rent she paid up front via Airbnb in September 2021.

Hirschhorn is suing Jovanovic for that $20,000 to be returned to her – while he is counter-suing her for the $60,000 in back rent she is yet to pay. 

In a statement to DailyMail.com Walshok also accused Jovanovic of harassment and insisted that the two had agreed a longer tenancy – despite Rucci pointing out he has no documents to prove it.

Rucci told DailyMail.com he believes Hirschhorn is holding out for a settlement like the one she received in an earlier case in Oakland, California, saying: ‘She countersued. If she has a claim, she will get her day in court.

‘But what is your purpose for staying there right now? Your purpose is that you’re hoping to get a settlement.

‘Well, we’re not going to push it through insurance and Sascha’s not going to pay you $100,000.’

Content source – www.soundhealthandlastingwealth.com

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