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A mother beat her two-month-old baby daughter to death while the child’s father ignored the horrific cruelty, a court heard.

Aissatu Barrie suffered multiple rib fractures, a skull fracture and damage to the spine at the hands of Raby Diallo, 26, while Mohammed Barrie, 37, allegedly turned a blind eye.

Aissatu was declared dead at their home in Brixton, southwest London, on May 19 2020 after Diallo phoned the emergency services, the Inner London Crown Court heard.

‘On 19 May 2020, at about 8am, Raby Diallo called an ambulance; her baby was not breathing,’ said prosecutor Sally Howes.

‘Mohammed Barrie was at work in Fulham at the time. As they entered the flat they saw a baby lying on the sofa. This was Aissatu. She was not moving. She was not breathing.’

Mother Raby Diallo, 26, beat her two-month-old baby daughter Aissatu Barrie to death at their home (file photo) in Brixton, southwest London, on May 19 2020, a court heard

The paramedics did everything they could to resuscitate her, but to no avail, jurors heard.

‘Aissatu was dead,’ said Ms Howes. She was formally pronounced dead at 9.18am that morning.

‘In due course, post mortem examinations identified findings consistent with four separate episodes of injury, the approximate timings of which are considered to be a few to several weeks prior to death.

‘Fractures to her skull, ribs, and damage to her spine was found.’

A series of WhatsApp messages sent from Barrie’s phone show the couple knew their daughter had been terribly injured.

In a voice message to ‘Mum’ on 10 May he said: ‘We have to be extra careful with Aissatu and hold her neck otherwise she will fall because she tend to throw her head backwards and if one doesn’t hold her neck properly, she can easily fall.

‘Aissatu nearly fell several times while I am holding her on several occasions, that’s why I always hold her neck. Now I understand how to hold her.’

Aissatu was declared dead at their home in Brixton, southwest London, on May 19 2020, after Diallo phoned the emergency services, the Inner London Crown Court (pictured) heard 

Miss Howes said: ‘This voice message suggests that Mohammed Barrie is well aware of the injuries to Aissatu’s neck and head and is getting his explanation in first.’

The day before Diallo sent him a photo of Assatu’s head on WhatsApp.

She said: ‘Baby, Aissatu’s head is swollen on that side, I’ve just seen it.’

‘You are going to have to say that I am the one who did [it]’.

Diallo has admitted manslaughter but Barrie denies allowing the death of Assiatu and cruelty to a child and wilful neglect.

‘It is the prosecution case that the defendant allowed the death of Aissatu and that he wilfully neglected his infant daughter by failing to ensure that she received the medical treatment and help that he was aware she needed,’ Miss Howes said.

The trial continues.

Content source – www.soundhealthandlastingwealth.com

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