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A Labor senator has slammed Israel’s retaliatory missile strikes in Gaza, warning that the ‘price tag’ of the Jewish state’s ‘right to defend itself cannot be the destruction of Palestine‘.

Senator Fatima Payman, an Afghan-born Labor politician representing Western Australia, took to the Senate floor on Tuesday to call for the government to condemn Israel.

Israeli missiles strike residential dwellings, civilians, multistorey apartments, health facilities as well as places of worship, indiscriminately killing men, women and children. We must condemn it,’ Senator Payman said. 

Senator Payman, who as a devout Muslim became the first hijab-wearing woman in the Australian parliament after being elected last year, also accused Israel of committing war crimes by using white phosphorus in Gaza. 

Senator Payman, who as a devout Muslim became the first hijab-wearing woman in the Australian parliament after being elected last year, also accused Israel of committing war crimes by using white phosphorus in Gaza – the Jewish state disputes this

The Jewish state disputes this.  

‘The price tag of Israel’s right to defend itself cannot be the destruction of Palestine,’ Senator Payman said. 

‘Israel’s right to defend its civilians cannot equate to the annihilation of Palestinian civilians. I hereby call for an immediate ceasefire to come into effect, alongside many world leaders and experts.’

Senator Payman, 28, began her speech by condemning the ‘killing of innocent civilians in Israel’. 

Her comments came just hours before a bomb blast at a hospital in Gaza killed at least 500 people, with more trapped under the rubble – many of them children, Hamas has claimed.  

But Israel has denied it was behind the strike at the Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza City, claiming instead it was a rocket misfired by Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists.  

Senator Payman’s intervention in the debate came on the day that four Green MPs refused to back a motion supporting Israel’s right to defend itself against Hamas. 

Greens leader Adam Bandt was pictured alongside fellow lower house MPs Stephen Bates, Max Chandler-Mather and Elizabeth Watson-Brown, as every other MP in the House of Representatives voted for the motion.

Scores of injured people are being taken to Al-Shifa Hospital following an alleged Israeli airstrike on Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in Gaza City on Tuesday – Israel claims it was a rocket misfired by Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists

Soldiers and heavy armour are seen in a holding area outside Kibbutz Be’eri in Israel. Over 110 residents of the small community were killed during the attack on October 7

Mr Bandt tried to add an amendment to accuse Israel of war crimes and declare the barrage of air strikes and imminent invasion of Gaza ‘not just a humanitarian catastrophe, but a war crime‘.

Tasmanian independent Andrew Wilkie and Sydney Teal MPs, Kylea Tink and Sophie Scamps, supported this amendment.

Former Victorian Liberals president Michael Kroger called the Greens MPs ‘disgraceful’ for not backing the motion and seeking to amend it. 

Senator Payman’s statement in full

The killing of innocent civilians in Israel should be condemned and we condemn it. The killing of innocent civilians in Palestine should also be condemned and we must condemn it. The international community loudly and proudly condemned Russia’s occupation of Ukraine when it started attacking Ukraine in 2014 yet today the world watches as the state of Israel deprives the entire population—men, women and children—of the basic necessities of life: food, water, electricity, gas and medicines. We must condemn it.

Israeli missiles strike residential dwellings, civilians, multistorey apartments, health facilities as well as places of worship, indiscriminately killing men, women and children. We must condemn it. Human Rights Watch confirms that Israel is using white phosphorous in Gaza. That violates the international humanitarian law prohibition. We must condemn it.

The price tag of Israel’s right to defend itself cannot be the destruction of Palestine. Israel’s right to defend its civilians cannot equate to the annihilation of Palestinian civilians. I hereby call for an immediate ceasefire to come into effect, alongside many world leaders and experts. Food, water, medicine and humanitarian aid need to be allowed to get through and reach the victims. Mediation and talks need to start, as obviously violence has not solved anything for the past 75 years, and a just and long-lasting solution needs to be sorted out.

Source: Hansard 

Content source – www.soundhealthandlastingwealth.com

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