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Coleen Rooney has revealed her husband Wayne played a pivotal role in helping her expose Rebekah Vardy – even though he was completely oblivious to her super sleuthing ways.

Speaking in the explosive Disney+ documentary about the Wagatha Christie drama, Coleen explained exactly how she was able to pinpoint Rebekah in a two-year investigation over who was leaking details of her life to The Sun newspaper.

The WAG, 37, tracked down Rebekah, 41, after posting a series of false claims on her private Instagram page – having blocked everyone but her from seeing – one of which being she was travelling to Mexico to look into ‘baby gender selection’.

After the story ended up in The Sun, Coleen realised that the leak could only have come from Rebekah’s camp as it would have been impossible for any of her friends and loved ones to take it to the press.

The reason being, as she explained in Coleen Rooney: The Real Wagatha Story, was that Wayne secretly underwent a vasectomy after the couple decided their family was ‘complete’ after welcoming son Cass in 2018.

Dynamic duo: Coleen Rooney revealed in Disney+ doc The Real Wagatha Story that her husband Wayne’s secret vasectomy played a pivotal role in exposing ‘sly’ Rebekah Vardy 

Caught out: Coleen explained exactly how she was able to pinpoint Rebekah Vardy in a two-year investigation over who was leaking details of her life to The Sun newspaper

Coleen – who shares Kai, 13, Klay, 10, Kit, seven, and Cass, five, with Wayne – revealed the couple plan to have no more children after the footballer’s sterilisation procedure, making gender selection the perfect fake tale. 

She explained: ‘After the birth of every one of my kids the press is always interested if I’m going to have another baby and it’s always, “would you like a girl?”

‘I always thought I’d have a few kids, maybe three at the most, but then number four came along and we knew our family was complete then.

‘Me and Wayne talked about him having a vasectomy. He said after this baby that’s it we’re not having anymore and Wayne went in and got the snip so I knew for sure we wouldn’t have any more children.

‘I’d heard about this procedure where you could choose the gender of your children but it’s something I’d never considered doing so I came up with this idea about doing a story.’

The Wagatha Christie drama culminated in a court case last year when Rebekah took Coleen to the High Court for libel – and lost – after Coleen claimed in October 2019 that stories about her were being leaked to the press from Rebekah’s social media account.

The story began when The Sun ran a number of fake articles about Coleen from September 2017 to October 2019, which came from Coleen’s private Instagram.

The Liverpudlian star claimed she only shared the stories with Rebekah in a ‘sting’ operation, including claims that she travelled to Mexico to look into baby ‘gender selection’ treatment, a plan to revive her TV career and the flooding of her basement.

Explaining why she decided to film a docuseries about the ordeal, Coleen revealed that in order to ‘move on’  she had to ‘tell the story in my own words’, with the WAG tracking the story from 2017 when the first stories began to get leaked to their 2022 court trail. 

Revealing how the scandal first unfolded, Coleen reflected on a turbulent time with her marriage with Wayne, when the footballer was caught drink-driving with another woman in the car. 

The mother-of-four confessed she felt ‘sickened’ and was ‘heartbroken’ when her ‘stupid’ husband was stopped by police after leaving a nightclub with Laura Simpson in September 2017. 

At the time of the arrest Coleen was on holiday with her parents in Mallorca and pregnant with their son Cass.  

Family: Coleen – who shares Kai, 13, Klay, 10, Kit, seven, and Cass, five, with Wayne – revealed the couple plan to have no more children after the footballer’s sterilisation 

No more kids: The WAG, 37, tracked down Rebekah with a false claim that she was travelling to Mexico to look into ‘baby gender selection’ even though Wayne was secretly sterile at his point

While Wayne has continued to insist nothing untoward happened with office worker Laura, he admitted that ‘it didn’t look good’ and he gave Coleen some space when she returned to the UK and fled to her parents’ home with their three sons. 

Coleen, whose head was ‘all over the place’, decided not to make any public statement about the arrest but took to her private Instagram account – only followed by friends and loved ones – to share a picture with her sons that she captioned: ‘no matter where I am they always follow me, and I hope that lasts forever’.

After the post she was inundated with supportive messages from friends, with Rebekah also reaching out and offering up her annex for Coleen and the kids to stay in, prompting Coleen to share that she was camped out at her mother’s.  

Coleen recalled: ‘I thought she was just being caring and sympathising because she’s been in the public eye as well.’

Wagatha Christie timeline: How Coleen and Rebekah’s war unfolded 

September 2017 to October 2019 – The Sun runs a number of articles about Coleen, including that she travelled to Mexico to look into baby ‘gender selection’ treatment, her plan to revive her TV career and the flooding of her basement.

October 9, 2019 – Coleen uses social media to accuse Rebekah of selling stories from her private Instagram account to the tabloids.

Coleen says she spent five months attempting to work out who was sharing information about her and her family based on posts she had made on her personal social media page.

After sharing a series of ‘false’ stories and using a process of elimination, Coleen claims they were viewed by one Instagram account, belonging to Rebekah.

Rebekah, then pregnant with her fifth child, denies the allegations and says various people had access to her Instagram over the years.

She claims to be ‘so upset’ by Coleen’s accusation, later adding: ‘I thought she was my friend but she completely annihilated me.’

The public dispute makes headlines around the world, with the hashtag #WagathaChristie trending.

How it all began: On October 9, 2019, Coleen Rooney, now 36, accused Rebekah Vardy, 40, of leaking ‘false stories’ about her to the press in an Instagram post (above) 

February 13, 2020 – In a tearful appearance on ITV’s Loose Women, Rebekah says the stress of the dispute caused her to have severe anxiety attacks and she ‘ended up in hospital three times’. Coleen says in a statement that she does not want to ‘engage in further public debate’.

Shortly after Coleen’s public accusation, Rebekah – who was pregnant and on holiday in Dubai at the time – denied any involvement (above) 

June 23, 2020 – It emerges that Rebekah has launched libel proceedings against Coleen.

Rebekah’s lawyers allege she ‘suffered extreme distress, hurt, anxiety and embarrassment as a result of the publication of the post and the events which followed’.

November 19-20, 2020 – The libel battle has its first High Court hearing in London. A judge rules that Coleen’s October 2019 post ‘clearly identified’ Rebekah as being ‘guilty of the serious and consistent breach of trust’.

Mr Justice Warby concludes that the ‘natural and ordinary’ meaning of the posts was that Rebekah had ‘regularly and frequently abused her status as a trusted follower of Coleen’s personal Instagram account by secretly informing The Sun of Coleen’s private posts and stories’.

February 8-9, 2022 – A series of explosive messages between Rebekah and her agent Caroline Watt – which Coleen’s lawyers allege were about her – are revealed at a preliminary court hearing.

The court is told Rebekah was not referring to Coleen when she called someone a ‘nasty bitch’ in one exchange with Ms Watt.

Coleen’s lawyers seek further information from the WhatsApp messages, but the court is told that Ms Watt’s phone fell into the North Sea after a boat she was on hit a wave, before further information could be extracted from it.

February 14 – Coleen is refused permission to bring a High Court claim against Ms Watt for misuse of private information to be heard alongside the libel battle. A High Court judge, Mrs Justice Steyn, says the bid was brought too late and previous opportunities to make the claim had not been taken.

April 13 – Ms Watt is not fit to give oral evidence at the upcoming libel trial, the High Court is told as the case returns for another hearing.

The agent revokes permission for her witness statement to be used, and withdraws her waiver which would have allowed Sun journalists to say whether she was a source of the allegedly leaked stories.

April 29 – Rebekah ‘appears to accept’ that her agent was the source of allegedly leaked stories, Coleen’s barrister David Sherborne tells the High Court. He argues that a new witness statement submitted by Rebekah suggests Ms Watt was the source but Rebekah claims she ‘did not authorise or condone her’.

Rebekah’s lawyer Hugh Tomlinson says the statement did not contain ‘any change whatever in the pleaded case’, with her legal team having no communication with Ms Watt.

May 10 onwards – The trial lasts seven days

Worried that people would start ‘feeling sorry’ for her, Coleen decided to delete the post from her page, explaining: ‘I wasn’t in the state of mind for answering people and I just thought, take it down, delete it. I forgot about it and didn’t think anything else of it.’

However, the next day Coleen spotted a story in The Sun newspaper revealing she had left the marital home to stay at her mother’s. 

She instantly realised that it contained information about her private Instagram post but explained she had ‘too many things going on’ to address the matter and decided to not take any action. 

The TV personality then headed off to Barbados to clear her head on a family holiday with her sons, with Coleen recalling: ‘They were young and didn’t understand what was going on. Wayne was back home, we were still talking things through. 

‘But he’s a good dad and while we were away it was Wayne’s birthday. So I put an Instagram post on my personal account wishing him happy birthday from the boys.’

To Coleen’s dismay the private post ended up in The Sun newspaper again, and she confessed: ‘I was upset. I was fuming someone was passing on my private Instagram. It was the second time it had happened now so it made me think, is that the same person?

‘I was just trying to figure out why is someone doing this to me? It could be for money, it could be for press attention. I did go through and look at people but it was so hard to think who it could be.’ 

Struggling to narrow down the culprit, Coleen issued a warning, posting on her Stories: ‘Who’s my snitch of a follower? This is a private account.’ 

The warning didn’t work, however, and just a few weeks later there was another leak to The Sun after Coleen posted a snap back in her marital home with the children as they celebrated Halloween with Wayne. 

At this point Coleen realised the pattern of stories appearing in The Sun first and given the newspaper’s history with the people of Liverpool, she discounted any of her Scouse friends and families being the leak. 

Still faced with too many suspects, however, Coleen put up another warning post, calling out ‘the GRASS’, as she admitted: ‘I felt betrayed because it’s sly. 

‘The way I was brought up and the community I lived in you don’t stab someone in the back, you don’t do that, you don’t betray people.’

Having spotted the post, Rebekah was quick to message Coleen and questioned if The Sun could have hacked her account directly, a move that left Coleen feeling ‘paranoid.’ 

Having confided in Wayne that a post had been leaked, he shared his advice, admitting: ‘I said to Coleen “just delete it”. Social media is not something you need. 

‘She said no and that’s the way she is, quite stubborn, and that’s what I like about her she’s got her own mind and does things in her own way.’ 

After welcoming son Cass and working on her marriage with Wayne, Coleen agreed to move to the States with him when he transferred from Everton to D.C. United. 

Yet while she was there she suffered badly with homesickness and revealed that with the time difference preventing her from keeping up with friends as much as she liked, her personal Instagram account became a ‘lifeline’ for keeping in touch with everyone. 

Yet another leak quickly occurred after Coleen shared a picture of her car after an uneventful fender bender only to discover it in The Sun and billed as a major car crash. 

With concerned loved ones then contacting Coleen to check if she was ok, she was left feeling ‘annoyed’, and tweeted that she was aware of stories being lifted from her personal account in order to scare off the culprit. 

She explained: ‘I began to go into overdrive thinking who it could be. I went through all my followers time and time again. 

‘There was no one on there that stood out for money, no one on there that I had any confrontation with, I started to think why is this person leaking information? 

‘The leaks were all in the same paper that’s when I thought this is someone who has an association with The Sun. 

There’s a few people who had relationships with the press but some of them I’d known half my life and there had never been a story out before.

‘Out of them 300-odd people there was only one account that stood out… and that was Rebekah Vardy’s account. 

‘But I needed evidence, I needed to gather my thoughts together, I had to think of some sort of trap.’ 

At first Coleen removed Rebekah from her Instagram followers but after being confronted by her fellow WAG she realised this could be the chance to set a trap.

Admitting she was in two minds, she recalled: ‘I accepted her back on my account. Part of me knew I shouldn’t have replied but I wanted to find out who was doing it to me and I wanted to stop it.’ 

A few weeks later another leak was made, with The Sun printing about Coleen’s date night post with Wayne.  

It was then that Coleen decided to set her trap and posted the fake story about looking into baby gender selection, although it wasn’t without issue. 

She confessed that she struggled to set the trap because she kept forgetting to block other people from viewing her Stories, so she had to have several test posts before planting the fake news for Rebekah’s account to find. 

Surprisingly, the story didn’t end up in The Sun straight away, with Coleen admitting she ‘wasn’t sure what to think.’ 

Putting the leaks out of her mind again, Coleen struggled with feelings of loneliness and homesickness in the States, with Wayne transferring back to the UK in order to help his wife. 

With her spirits lifted and back in Britain, Coleen enjoyed a girls’ weekend with her close friends, documenting their boozy antics on her personal account. 

While away with her friends she spotted Rebekah was The Sun’s Fabulous magazine cover star and just days later details from Coleen’s girls’ getaway as well as the fake gender selection story suddenly appeared in The Sun. 

Revitalised and sure it was now Rebekah to blame for the leak, Coleen set about posting more fake stories, which culminated in The Sun printing a false claim that the Rooney’s basement had flooded during home renovations. 

Own goal: The Wagatha Christie drama culminated in a court case last year when Rebekah took Coleen to the High Court for libel – and lost (pictured in 2016) 

Not happy: Revealing why she didn’t confront Rebekah privately, Coleen explained, ‘She’d never respected me in that way and she’d deny it and make a story out of that’

Realising she now had enough evidence to make a move, Coleen explained: ‘I got a result but I was angry. I thought I’d had enough of this I’m going to do something. 

‘Part of me wanted to say it there and then but the way it had been done to me, it was so sneaky. It was cheeky. No one had come to me to say “we’re going to give this information to the press are you ok about that?” I’d warned time after time stop doing this to me but they never.’ 

Revealing why she didn’t confront Rebekah privately, Coleen continued: ‘She’d never respected me in that way and she’d deny it and make a story out of that. 

‘I didn’t want to give her that opportunity to do that to me. She’d done it too many times to me. 

‘I felt the only way I could do this is to give it to social media, give it to everyone at the one time and put a stop to it. So I started writing words of what I was going to say.’ 

Dropping a hint that something was coming, Coleen posted her final picture before making her statement, sharing the words: ‘don’t play games with a girl who can play better’, adding the caption: ‘One thing I am not is stupid… much wiser than you think.’

The following day, Coleen shared her now legendary statement and while she felt ‘relieved’ she admitted she wasn’t prepared for the media storm that followed. 

She was slightly more prepared than Wayne, however, who had been left in the dark and had no clue what his wife had been up to. 

Sharing his disbelief, Wayne recalled: ‘I remember thinking, “what’s she done here?”‘

Coleen was then confronted by Rebekah, who blamed the leaks on Coleen’s PR team and then her own, saying it was ‘unbelievable’ that she’d been accused.  

While she has no regrets over her statement and insisted she ‘stands by’ her words, Coleen did feel for Rebekah – who was seven months pregnant at the time – and had received horrific trolling when the post came out. 

Coleen reasoned: ‘Those comments are disgusting, nobody deserves that no matter what. 

‘People were saying to me “how can you do that to a pregnant woman?” I didn’t put that post up to cause any harm. It was because I’d found out who was leaking the private information and I wanted to stop.’

How it all began: On October 9, 2019, Coleen  accused Rebekah’s Instagram account of leaking ‘false stories’ about her to the press (above) 

In an attempt to hit back, Rebekah then sued Coleen for libel, with Coleen confessing: ‘I never imagined being in a legal battle for anything, never mind a legal battle for a post I’d put up on social media. 

‘But little did I know it was going to be the beginning of one of the most horriblest [sic] times I’ve ever been through in my life.’ 

While it may have been a stressful time for Coleen, the judge ruled in her favour, and she was awarded costs by the court and £800,000 of the total amount due payable immediately.

Rebekah was said to have scored one of the worst own goals in British legal history after a High Court judge dismissed her evidence as ‘evasive or implausible’ and accused her of deliberately deleting WhatsApp messages central to the case.

Coleen Rooney: The Real Wagatha Story is available to stream on Disney+ from 8AM on Wednesday 

The 10 most shocking moments during the Wagatha Christie trial

Rebekah gets ‘honest’ in the witness box  

There were several tense exchanges between Rebekah and Coleen’s lawyer David Sherborne, who had accused the WAG of having ‘selective amnesia’.

He also accused the WAG of being dishonest under oath, announcing: ‘You’re making this up, aren’t you Mrs Vardy?’ The reason you can’t get your story straight is because you’re lying.’

Yet amid the tense atmosphere there was one moment that elicited several chuckles as Rebekah started an answer during cross-examination by saying: ‘If I’m honest…’

Sherborne was quick to jump in and say, ‘Well I’d much rather you’re honest because you’re standing in the witness box,’ prompting several giggles from the crowds. 

Peter Andre’s ‘chipolata’

Undoubtedly one of the most talked about moments in the case was the unexpected courtroom chatter about the size of Peter Andre’s genitalia – which had been compared to a ‘chipolata’. 

Peter, 49, was dragged into the case when Coleen’s lawyer Sherborne, read out excerpts of Rebekah’s 2004 News of the World article about him to demonstrate that she has form for giving stories to the media.

Following an alleged one night stand in 2001, Rebekah sold her story to the tabloid, in which she was quoted saying: ‘When he pulled down his ­trousers I couldn’t believe it. It was like a ­miniature chipolata.’

When confronted about her crass comments in court, Rebekah claimed that she had been ‘misrepresented’ in the story and said she had been coerced to do the interview by an abusive ex-partner when she was just 22.

Peter – who is married to Emily MacDonagh, a doctor 17 years his junior, with whom he has daughter Amelia, eight, and son Theo, five – has since insisted that he feels no ‘bitterness’ towards Rebekah but had to apologise to his family after the unflattering comments were repeated in court. Peter also has son Junior, 17, and daughter Princess, 15, with ex-wife Katie Price.

Gossip: Undoubtedly one of the most talked about moments in the case was the unexpected courtroom chatter about the size of Peter Andre’s genitalia – which had been compared to a ‘chipolata’

Coleen is compared to a pigeon 

One of the most notable quotes from the trial were Rebekah’s comments that arguing with Coleen was ‘as pointless as arguing with a pigeon’.

Coleen was seen in the courtroom looking on intently as the court heard a quote that Rebekah gave to the Daily Mail, shortly after the original leaking accusation was made. 

In the interview she exclaimed: Arguing with Coleen is like arguing with a pigeon. You can tell it that you are right and it is wrong but it’s still going to s**t in your hair.’

Reflecting on her remarks, Rebekah showed remorse on her choice of words, declaring: ‘Rightly or wrongly, maybe that interview shouldn’t have been done. I don’t know… I wasn’t thinking straight the day after this had happened.’

Rebekah’s 2018 bust-up with the late Sarah Harding 

Many were shocked to learn that Rebekah had once got into a heated argument with singer Sarah Harding at the 2018 National Television Awards after the Girls Aloud singer spotted her rifling through her handbag.

In her written statement, Coleen said that she was ‘aware’ that Rebekah had ‘provided various pieces of ‘behind the scenes’ footage for The Sun’.

Coleen claimed: ‘She also got in a spat with former Girls Aloud group member Sarah Harding during the 2018 event because Sarah apparently caught Becky taking photographs of the contents of Sarah’s handbag when Sarah had dropped it on the floor. Their dispute subsequently appeared in The Sun.’

According to an article published at the time in The Mirror, Sarah accused Rebekah of taking ‘sneaky pictures’ of her, sparking a ‘heated’ row between the pair that caused a ‘huge scene’.

Sources claimed that Sarah had dropped her bag inside the bash, and as she proceeded to pick up her belongings from the floor, she saw a camera flash and I’m A Celebrity star Rebekah standing nearby with her phone in her hand.

It is said the singer saw red and accused mother-of-five Rebekah of taking sly pictures of her, with Rebekah insisting that hadn’t been the case, offering to show Sarah her phone, before demanding an apology from the Celebrity Big Brother star.

Sarah did not discuss the incident publicly at the time, and tragically passed away in September 2021 at the age of 39 after battling breast cancer.  

Shocking: Sarah Harding (left) is said to have got into an argument with Rebekah (right) at the 2018 National Television Awards (red carpet pictured) after spotting her taking photos inside her handbag

Crucial evidence ends up ‘in the sea’  

A preliminary court hearing in February revealed a series of explosive messages between Rebekah and her agent Caroline Watt – which Coleen’s lawyers alleged were about her.

The court was told Rebekah was not referring to Coleen when she called someone a ‘nasty b***h’ in one exchange with Caroline.

However, when Coleen’s lawyers sought further information from the WhatsApp messages, the court was told that Caroline’s phone fell into the North Sea after a boat she was on hit a wave, before further information could be extracted from it.

Rebekah’s lawyer Hugh Tomlinson QC said ‘we have no way of knowing’ if this was done to destroy evidence or an accident, adding ‘Mrs Vardy doesn’t know… and this can’t be used against her.’ 

He later went on to state Rebekah ‘has no knowledge’ of an incident that saw her agent’s phone fall into the North Sea and ‘doesn’t know’ if she was a leaker.

The mystery surrounding Davy Jones  

As Rebekah was grilled about the phone in question, the WAG asked the High Court ‘who’s Davy Jones?’ following a nautical reference by Coleen’s barrister.

The High Court burst into laughter after the exchange – which concerned the claim that Rebekah’s agent lost her phone containing WhatsApp messages when it fell off a boat into the North Sea.

‘We know that Ms Watt’s phone is now in Davy Jones’ Locker, don’t we, Mrs Vardy?’ Coleen’s barrister said. Rebekah then replied: ‘I’m sorry, I don’t know who Davy Jones is’.

The judge then had to describe the idiom, which refers to the legendary resting place of sailors who have drowned at sea.

The idiom inspired a fictional character in the Pirates of the Caribbean film series who served as the tyrannical captain of ghost ship the Flying Dutchman. 

The fictional Davy Jones should not be considered with Monkees singer David Thomas Jones, who also adopted the name. 

Looks familiar: Rebekah asked the High Court ‘who’s Davy Jones?’ following a nautical reference by Coleen’s barrister as the £3million Wagatha Christie libel trial continued for a third rollercoaster day

The silence of the lads 

Rebekah was accused of trying to ‘do the dirty’ and spill the beans on unrest in the Leicester City dressing room when star player Riyad Mahrez went ‘on strike’, the High Court heard.

The court heard Rebekah contacted her publicist after Mahrez failed to turn up for training for the second day running. At the time of the exchange in February 2018, Mahrez was seeking a move to Manchester City.

In the WhatsApp message, Rebekah wrote: ‘Mahrez not turned up for training again. The lads are fuming.’

As her agent suggested she contact TV reporter Rob Dorsett who was one of the journalists covering the story for Sky Sports News, Rebekah replied that she didn’t want the story to ‘come back on me.’

Under cross examination from Coleen’s barrister, Rebekah said she did not know whether or not her husband’s then teammates were ‘fuming’ about Mahrez not turning up for training.

‘It was probably something I was plucking from thin air. It was just a gossip that was all… Jamie and I never discussed whether ‘the lads were fuming’.’ 

Gemma Collins’ unexpected cameo 

As the trial continued the High Court heard how Rebekah received a text from her agent, announcing ‘it was me’ after Coleen first publicly claimed that someone had been leaking stories from her private Instagram. 

Rebekah agreed her agent ‘appeared to be the source’ of a news story on Coleen’s 2019 car crash that ended up in The Sun but was questioned by Coleen’s lawyer on why she did not challenge her. 

She said it was because she had been ‘watching Dancing on Ice’ and was distracted by Gemma Collins’s infamous ‘faceplant’.

Rebekah was referring to the moment the celebrity tripped and fell face-first on the ice during one of the routines in the ITV show. 

Gemma’s face plant has cemented itself as one of pop culture’s most iconic moments in recent years, with Gemma later admitting she thought her ‘life was over’ when she tripped onto the rink. 

Down she goes: Rebekah agreed her agent ‘appeared to be the source’ of a news story on Coleen’s 2019 car crash but said she hadn’t challenged her because she was ‘watching Dancing on Ice’ and was distracted by Gemma Collins’s ‘faceplant’

It all ends in tears  

During a gruelling cross-examination on the third day of the trial, Rebekah broke down twice – resulting in the trial being temporarily halted so she could compose herself. 

The first time, Rebekah had corrected Coleen’s Sherborne lawyer after he confused her for Coleen, prompting him to reply, ‘Is that your best point Mrs Vardy?’.

After she began crying, her barrister Tomlinson QC rose to his feet to intervene, saying Sherborne was ‘constantly commenting and making remarks to the witness’.

It led to the judge saying: ‘It is unnecessary and there’s not really enough time for those comments in any event.’

Moments later the judge asked if Rebekah would like to take a break as she appeared distressed. She adjourned the hearing for 10 minutes to allow Rebekah to compose herself.

In the second incident – less than half an hour later – Rebekah became emotional after she was questioned over a fake story posted by Coleen about a flood at her £20million Cheshire home, which has been likened to a Morrisons supermarket.

Rebekah had told the court she had not seen Coleen’s Instagram post, only for Sherborne to remind her of a statement made two years ago when she admitted she had seen it.

Becoming visibly upset, Rebekah’s voice broke up as she said: ‘There was a lot of abuse at the time.’

It’s Jamie vs Wayne 

Rebekah and Coleen’s husbands found themselves dragged into the Wagatha Christie trial, with ex-England captain Wayne testifying that team manager Roy Hodgson asked him to have an ‘awkward’ chat with Jamie to tell his wife Rebekah to ‘calm down’ during Euro 2016.

Wayne told the court during his evidence that Rebekah’s behaviour was a distraction for the England team and there were concerns that she was writing a diary column during the tournament.

But his ex-England teammate Jamie hit back after Wayne’s evidence by releasing a press release accusing Wayne of being confused and insisting that the players’ chat never happened.

Rebekah said in court that the conversation never took place, but her husband, Leicester City striker Jamie, 35, did not give evidence in the case. Instead, he sat at his wife’s side yesterday and stared daggers at Wayne.

After the mid-afternoon break, the Vardys left the court building early, shortly after Rebekah’s publicist issued a sensational statement from Jamie accusing Wayne of ‘talking nonsense’ and being ‘confused’

Tension: Rebekah and Coleen’s husbands found themselves dragged into the Wagatha Christie trial, with ex-England captain Wayne testifying he had an ‘awkward’ chat with Jamie to tell his wife Rebekah to ‘calm down’ during Euro 2016



Content source – www.soundhealthandlastingwealth.com

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