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A Las Vegas sex club has been accused of luring members in by masquerading as a meditative Buddhist retreat – and one former employee has now dished on everything that happened behind closed doors.

Kirsten appeared on a recent episode of the Cults To Consciousness podcast to explain how she ended up working for the One Love Temple, which is also known as the Sea Mountain Spa.

The Nevada native first stumbled across the ‘sex club’ after leaving Mormonism, getting a divorce and needing to quickly secure a job – but the truth behind her new role soon unraveled.

Speaking to host Shelise Ann Sola, she began: ‘I don’t want anyone to think that I don’t agree with the lifestyle that people have – nudists, swingers, polyamory – I am a hundred per cent on board. I think it’s amazing…

‘But this One Love Temple was definitely not doing it in a moral or consensual way.’

Kirsten appeared on a recent episode of the Cults To Consciousness podcast to explain how she ended up working for the One Love Temple, which is also known as the Sea Mountain Spa

The Nevada native first stumbled across the ‘sex club’ after leaving Mormonism, getting a divorce and needing to quickly secure a job – but the truth behind her new role soon unraveled

One room in particular, called the Dharma, had Buddhist statues in front of it but beyond the door was a giant circular bed, stripper pole and DJ booth

Kirsten, who had previously gone to cosmetology school, had begun her job search on Craigslist for work in local spas and salons.

She stumbled across one listing that was seeking managers for a nudist yoga temple but she was unfazed by its policies at the time.

‘At first I was like okay… but then I was in the mindset of, “I’m out of Mormonism, I need to experience new things and people do naked yoga, this is a thing, it’s fine.”‘

She arrived for interview at a house in a residential neighborhood to find that everyone was fully nude with the group of interviewees also told they needed to ‘strip down.’

‘The thing that blows my mind is nobody said anything. None of us said anything. We just kind of looked at each other and got naked,’ she recalled. 

They were given a guided tour of the facilities which included some very distinctive rooms.

One in particular, called the Dharma, had Buddhist statues in front of it but beyond the door was a giant circular bed, stripper pole and DJ booth.

‘It was very clearly a sex room… It just kept getting weirder and weirder – many rooms that all from the outside looking in would look very much like this was this was going to be the yoga room or this is going to be the meditation room but every time you open it up there was a circular bed.’

Speaking to host Shelise Ann Sola (pictured), she began: ‘I don’t want anyone to think that I don’t agree with the lifestyle that people have – I am a hundred percent on board… But this One Love Temple was definitely not doing it in a moral or consensual way’

Speaking about the first weekend she worked, with shifts lasting around 10 to 12 hours, Kirsten said: ‘There were people having sex everywhere and I was not expecting this at all’

She arrived for interview at a home in a residential neighborhood to find that everyone was fully nude with the group of interviewees also told they needed to ‘strip down’

And, after securing the job, the then 30-year-old soon learned that rather than being there as a hostess she was there as ‘eye candy.’

Speaking about the first weekend she worked, with shifts lasting about 10 to 12 hours, Kirsten said: ‘There were people having sex everywhere and I was not expecting this at all….

‘I remember feeling really uncomfortable. I feel like now, being out of it, it was like forced voyeurism. It was very much “I didn’t know that was gonna happen, I didn’t give consent to have that happen.”

‘I think people saw I was visibly uncomfortable and they thought it was funny.’

Explaining why she believes the One Love Temple is a ‘cult,’ she said: ‘The behavior control starts bringing you in by acting like this is a beautiful yoga relaxing retreat.

‘Their website has statues of Buddha on it and showing pools and they say you know enjoy pools with mineral water and all these things.

‘But then once you get there they tell you to strip down fully nude and if you choose not to you are asked to leave and are told that because you’re not nude you’re being a predator.

‘So basically, “We’re all nude so you not being nude and looking at our bodies makes you a creep and we’re not okay with it.”‘

And, after securing the job, the then 30-year-old (pictured at the time) soon learned that rather than being there as a hostess she was there as ‘eye candy’

Explaining why she thinks the One Love Temple is a ‘cult,’ Kirsten said: ‘The behavior control starts bringing you in by acting like this is a beautiful yoga relaxing retreat’

Kirsten said that the organization requires all guests to sign contracts agreeing to go fully nude to make it clear that it is not optional – despite their website stating differently. 

‘It’s interesting to me that they make it very obvious that you have to be nude once you get there but will not give you that knowledge prior to or even lie about it,’ she said.

The One Love Temple has two dedicated websites.

The first describes the establishment as a ‘Meditative Zen Center – Bringing Zen and Love to the Mecca of Nevada.’

But the other, where it is titled Sea Mountain Spa Las Vegas, is flooded with images of nude bodies in compromising poses.

It reads: ‘Come to the most unique and upscale lifestyles temple on earth and see where desire can be achieved by positive loving each day and night of the year.’

The website claims that ‘clothing is optional,’ adding: ‘You can always wear a towel a sarong a wrap or a robe so your comfort is the Sea Mountain concern.’ 

But Kirsten strongly disputes this: ‘No, you couldn’t walk around the towel or surround or a robe they’d be like “no you’re being creepy because we’re all naked and you’re not so you’re here to look at other people’s bodies and make them uncomfortable.”‘

The first website describes the establishment as a ‘Meditative Zen Center – Bringing Zen and Love to the Mecca of Nevada’ 

But the other, where it is titled Sea Mountain Spa Las Vegas, is flooded with images of nude bodies in compromising poses

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She argued: ‘There was a lot of times that people came not knowing at all what it was.

‘One thing that happened a lot that makes me really, really sad to say is that couples would book time together… and when they would call we would say it’s a fully nude “lifestyle” resort.

‘Some people knew what that meant some people didn’t. Sometimes one partner would make the call get that information and deliberately choose not to tell the other partner.’

Kirsten said that in one particular instance an erotic massage therapist at One Love Temple had used her to demonstrate some of the teachings.

‘I felt like I had to. I was stiff as a board the whole time and even though it wasn’t like full-on massaging genitals or anything it was a lot of very erotic touching other parts of my body….

‘I wanted to bawl my eyes out and I did not have the courage to tell [my partner] what had happened because I was so mortified and traumatized and embarrassed and hurt and all of the other thousands of feelings you get when you’ve been violated.’

Kirsten, who worked at the organization for less than six months, said that the owners banned single men or gay couples admission to the resort – adding that the main demographic was white couples in their 40s to 60s.

She concluded: ‘It makes me sad to think that I was working for or helping be a part of a place that probably created trauma for a lot of individuals – being put in situations that they were not okay with and and being coerced into participating in things that they did not want to participate in.’ 

DailyMail.com has contacted One Love Temple and Sea Mountain Spa for comment.

Content source – www.soundhealthandlastingwealth.com

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