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A pregnant Australian woman who went to Central America to give birth so her family could get dual nationality has been slammed for using ‘white privilege’ with her ‘birth tourism citizenship hack’. 

Instagram influencer Shannen Michaela posted a video promoting ‘Jus Soli’ – Latin for law of soil – meaning citizenship of a country is based on being born there for more than 30 nations including Costa Rica and the USA. 

‘Birthright citizenship is the most accessible way to obtain an extra passport,’ she said. ‘It is an investment in your family, your child’s future and generations to come.’ 

But Michaela has been accused of ‘new age colonialism’ and being ‘privileged’ in comments under her Instagram post. 

‘This is some serious “What’s classy if you’re rich, but trashy if you’re poor” vibes,’ another commenter wrote. 

Instagram influencer Shannen Michaela (pictured with her baby) posted a video promoting ‘Jus Soli’ – Latin for law of soil – meaning citizenship of a country is based on being born there

The influencer explained how ‘birth tourism’ meant travelling to a foreign country to give birth to ‘provide your child with a second citizenship at birth, even if you as the parent are not a resident of that country’.

‘In many countries, parents also gain permanent residency with a pathway to citizenship,’ she said.

‘Essentially, it’s a legal form of immigration and there are 31 countries that grant birthright citizenship in this way.’

Most of those 31 countries are in North, Central and South America, and include the USA, Canada, Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina.

The list also includes countries in the Caribbean, such as Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago, a well as Lesotho in southern Africa, and Fiji in the Pacific.   

Holding up Costa Rican, British and Australian passports, Michaela said ‘More and more people are leaving the West and searching for a Plan B. 

‘With an additional passport, you always have an alternative place to go.’

She said getting a second citizenship was a ‘protection in case anyone tries to restrict your freedom of movement’.

The Instagram star said it also had financial benefits for families as ‘You can choose which tax systems you want to be part of and diversify your assets.’

Michaela encouraged people to use the citizenship hack more than once, saying ‘Travel freedom is personal freedom and the more passports you collect, the more opportunity you create for you and your family, including generations to come.’ 

Shannen Michaela (pictured) has been accused of ‘new age colonialism’ and being ‘privileged’ in comments under her Instagram post

But her video and message met mostly with anger online, with one poster saying ‘This is essentially anchor baby instructions for rich people.’

Another said it was ‘Like smuggling, but babies?’

The fact that the influencer appears to be well off rubbed many up the wrong way, with a poster writing If you’re rich it’s called Jus Soli and it’s looked at positively, if you’re poor it’s called an anchor baby and it’s looked down upon.’

Another said ‘but when Hispanics do it it’s bad’. 

One of the most outraged posters spoke for many in writing ‘Sooo you’re goin to use a country’s tax dollars (that you’ve NEVER contributed to) to your personally (likely at least middle class wealth) benefit? 

Holding up Costa Rican, British and Australian passports (pictured), Michaela said ‘More and more people are leaving the West and searching for a Plan B

‘Sounds pretty financially abusive to the people who live in that country.’ 

The idea that Michaela was using ‘white privilege’ in what what she did also led to many uncomplimentary comments. 

‘It’s crazy that white people can advertise how to have anchor babies in our countries in Latin America, but the minute the Latinos try to come into white countries they get shot at the border,’ one wrote. 

‘Yeah this is only seen as a positive if you’re rich and privileged babe,’ said another.  

Source: | This article originally belongs to Dailymail.co.uk

Content source – www.soundhealthandlastingwealth.com

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