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A drink-driving doctor claimed he only swigged vodka in the back of his Tesla after he ‘bumped’ into two vehicles in a car park at his son’s football match.

Dr Praveen Partha, 53, drove to his son’s game in Eaglescliffe in his red Tesla on March 26, last year.

He ‘clipped’ the two cars when he reversed back onto the main road as he was searching for a parking space.

Partha became ‘flustered’ and parked on the side of the road where he found ‘a small scratch’ on his vehicle.

It was at this point that the consultant , who works at County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust, claimed he climbed into the back of his car and ‘took a swig or two’ from a 375ml bottle of vodka. 

Dr Praveen Partha, 53, outside Teeside Magistrates’ Court in Middlesbrough on Tuesday

Darlington Memorial Hospital where Partha works as a NHS consultant

However, it was later discovered that the amount he actually drank was between 175ml and 200ml.

Partha was charged with drink driving but denied the offence when he appeared at the Middlesbrough court on October 10, last year.

He stood trial at Teesside Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday – where he took the stand to give evidence – but was found guilty.

Jonathan Stirland, prosecuting, outlined the case stating that police officers were alerted to a ‘minor collision’ involving a car that had ‘bumped’ a couple of vehicles at a car park attached to football pitches in Eaglescliffe.

Officers attended the scene and began preliminary questions to identify the driver and confirmed Partha as the owner of the Tesla.

The officers’ body-worn footage was played in court and showed the exchange between Partha and himself.

Mr Stirland explained that a sample of breath was taken from Partha ‘after a little bit of trouble’ – with the video showing the defendant sucking into the tube and not blowing for long enough.

The result flagged as positive with 52 microgrammes of alcohol in 100ml of his breath – the limit being 35 microgrammes.

In the video, Partha tells the officer: ‘I’m really sorry’, then when asked if he drank last night, he replied: ‘Yes.’

Partha, of Bankside in Yarm, North Yorkshire, was found guilty of driving a motor vehicle when above the alcohol limit

He was handed the minimum driving disqualification of 12 months and slapped with a £1,500 fine as well as £1,225 in court costs

Partha, who has been a doctor for over 30 years, was arrested and taken to the police station where blood was taken.

The results showed 93 milligrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood, exceeding the prescribed limit of 80 milligrammes.

Partha attended the police station for a voluntary interview on September 3 where he made ‘no reply’ to all questions asked.

During his evidence, he said that he didn’t drink alcohol the previous evening as he was on call, contradicting what he said to officers who attended the incident.

When questioned on this contradiction Partha said that he was ‘confused’ and ‘under the influence at that time’.

Mr Stirland stated that the police officer asked Partha when he had consumed alcohol and ‘at no point did you say that you had alcohol at any time when you finished driving’. 

He added that Partha did not mention post-driving consumption when at the police station, or when blood was taken, or months later when he was interviewed about the offence.

‘It was a mistake,’ Partha said. ‘ I wasn’t thinking straight.’

Tariq Khan, defending, stated that the ‘sole purpose’ of buying vodka was for ‘friends coming over that night’ and Partha has ‘never done anything like this before’.

‘He’s not a drink driver,’ the defence solicitor told district judge Marie Mallon.

However, the judge disputed Partha’s defence stating that he had three opportunities to raise that he drank alcohol after finishing driving – but didn’t do so.

She added that his explanation of getting into the back of the car and drinking vodka after the crash is ‘inherently implausible’.

She found Partha, of Bankside in Yarm, North Yorkshire, guilty of driving a motor vehicle when above the alcohol limit.

Partha was handed the minimum driving disqualification of 12 months and slapped with a £1,500 fine as well as £1,225 in court costs.

Post source: Daily mail

Content source – www.soundhealthandlastingwealth.com

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